Chapter 18

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The words written on the pages became a blur as I attempted to read the fourth unpublished story of the night. The words were jumbled in my mind and every time I tried processing the scenarios written in front of me, my mind drifted to the clock above my television. It had been exactly five hours since Harry had walked out of my home, not telling me about his whereabouts and whether he was okay after voicing how he was truly feeling about the wedding plans.

I sighed loudly, placing my work on the coffee table and walking to my window. Since I was losing my mind waiting around for Harry, I decided to do the work I had solemnly promised my boss to complete while I worked from home. The darkness outside was consuming, a live example of what I was feeling inside. Regret seeped through every pore on my body, how could I not see the unhappiness in my best friends eyes? Maybe I could have helped prevent this from happening. I only wish Harry came to me first. My fingers fidgeted continuously as I looked at the clock once more.

After another earth shattering 15 minutes, I decided it was time to take action. I pulled the jacket Harry had left behind over one of Marks old t-shirts I was currently wearing and made my way out of the house. All this waiting around was doing me no justice, I had to go look for Harry. Before stepping out of the front door, I retrieved my phone and sent Harry a quick text.

"If you won't come to me, I'm coming to you. I don't care how long it takes me to find you xx."

The text was slightly manipulative on my part, I knew Harry wouldn't like me out at this time searching for him so this was a way to get him to come to me instead of me having to search high and low for hours on end. For all I know, he could've gotten on a plane and gone into hiding at a holiday destination. It seemed like a Harry thing to do. He liked being alone when things got too much for him; another trait I also shared.

Before I could step into my car, my phone beeped indicating a new message. The adrenaline of thinking it might be Harry led to my phone slipping out of my hand and landing on the ground. I silently prayed it wasn't damaged. To my luck, the case of my phone prevented any damage and Harry's name flashed clearly on my screen.

"I'm coming"

Two words. Two words was enough to stop the aching pain in my chest. I walked the short distance back into the comfort of my own home and waited patiently for Harry's arrival. Each second that passed brought back the uneasiness in my body, maybe I wasn't one of those people who could wait ever so patiently. I began pacing up and down my living room as my eyes drifted to the clock on my wall and then the curtained window hoping there was any type of indication for his arrival back home- to my home.

Seconds turned into minutes and as the clock struck 10 minutes past midnight, the sound of my lock clicking brought me out of my silent trance. I quickly stopped my pacing, running the distance from my living room to the door way and falling into a hard chest. I didn't need to look to know it was Harry. His scent was intoxicating, or maybe it was the scent off his jacket. That brought worry into my already aching heart as I pulled away quickly to get a glimpse of the person I was holding onto for dear life.

His skin was cold against my warm palms, a visible shiver running down his spine. Where the hell did he go?! I pressed every inch of my body against his in hope that my body heat alone could warm him up slightly.

"Harry" I breathed, my eyes raking over every feature of his face. His unruly hair stuck up in all directions, an indication that he had run his hands through it plenty of times after leaving my home. Red rimmed his eyes and my heart clenched at the thought of him crying alone. I didn't like knowing my best friend was alone and also crying. I quickly pulled him against my chest once more, a death grip around his waist. I didn't want him to leave again.

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