Chapter 2

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Ed Sheeran - Cold Coffee 

Stay lovely x.

You would expect something as simple as going out for brunch would be easy. However, when you're accompanied by one of the biggest boy band members and his equally famous fiancé, it was hard to go unnoticed. Apparently, word had spread fast that the 'couple of the year' were together in London.

The crowd grew quickly as fans had managed to track the whereabouts of Harry. I can only assume they had followed his car from his home to the restaurant.

It sounds crazy, but it was something that occurred more than often.

Fans learnt to be more respectable towards Harry's friendship with me. In the early years, Harry would have a ring of fans around him while I waited for hours for him to return to the table. It didn't cause a rift between us, but it led to me not wanting to go outside with him.

He had written on his Twitter that when he's out with his friends, he would love some privacy and the fans slowly obeyed. The occasional group of fans asked for photos, but the crowds around us stopped.

Mark and I decide to go ahead and find a quiet table, allowing the two to be digested in the huge crowd. It was a good thing Taylor's bodyguard had come along with us.

We choose a table in the far-right hand corner of the little restaurant, getting a clear view of Harry and Taylor taking pictures with fans.

Taylor was asked by fewer fans for photos of the couple together, making it clear that there were many directioners who still disliked Taylor. After the first time Harry and Taylor dated, the aftermath wasn't very pretty and naturally, the directioners were team Harry.

I took this chance to have a quick catch up with Mark.

"How are things babe?" I ask, as Mark passes me a menu.

"Good Sid, we've been preparing for the try-outs." he informs me nonchalantly. He shrugs his shoulders, acting as though it wasn't a big deal for him. But I knew otherwise, this meant everything to him. He had been working for this moment for as long as I have known him.

I knew that if Mark got the 'defence' slot in the United team, everything would change for him. And me. He would have to leave London and officially move to Manchester. He doesn't have to, but I know he wants to. It also means he'll be closer to his mother in Cheshire.

It was hard for him to leave her behind. His parents had split when he was a baby and she never remarried. They had formed a strong relationship and it was hard for him to leave for university and then to officially move out to train in London and all over the world. His recent trip had him in Spain, and I was burning with jealousy, being stuck in my office whilst he tanned as he trained in the sun.

I'm ecstatic for him and he had asked me to move with him, but I had left the question open. I had built my life here. I was blessed enough to find a really good internship in my first year of university in publishing, which later turned into a full-time job. I had progressed from being an intern, to a coordinator to an executive and now I was training to be a manager.

Moving to London alone had been a huge step and it had taken me a while to get used to. I can't see myself moving again any time soon.

We had yet to have a full discussion on the matter but I think Mark already knew I wasn't fully comfortable with the idea of moving.

"I saw on the news babe, you'll do amazing. I have faith in you" I offer him a small smile as I place my hand over his on the table.

"Since when did you start watching Sky Sports?" Mark's voice was teasing.

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