Chapter 52 Part two

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A/N: HOLY CRAAAAPPPPP! I can't believe I was 17 when I first started writing this story and now I'm 21! Thank you so much for supporting me all these years and being patient with my slow ass updates! I honestly love you all so much. 

I've just graduated from university, managed to land my dream job and moved to a completely different city. Life is so hectic yet I always feel a sense of calmness whenever I'm writing about Harry and Sydney. There's one final chapter to go! 

If anyone has noticed, I'm slowly changing this account into my personal Wattpad account. Even though MBFW is close to finishing, I hope you guys support me in my next story :). 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy and I love you all 

Stay lovely x. 

Louis Tomlinson- Back to you 

The air seems to stand still around me as I watch him staring at me intently. There's an emotion in his eyes that I can't read, an untold story. 

 I wanted to say something, anything, but the words were trapped. I couldn't get anything out. I was holding my breath, wondering if this was a figment of my imagination. If I was thinking so much about him that he finally appeared in front of me.   

He was flustered, that much was for sure. His green eyes were rimmed red. The top buttons of his shirt are undone, bow tie hanging around the collar of his shirt undone. His hair stuck out in all directions, an indication that he had been running his fingers through it constantly. 

We stay silent, staring at each other. He's standing a metre away from me. As though coming any closer would startle me. 

I finally find my voice. I clear my throat as I attempt to stand. 

"What are you doing here?" 

I wasn't sure if it sounded too forward. Too rude. It was the question that needed to be asked. What was he doing here? He shouldn't be here. He should be at his reception, drunk off his ass and dancing with his new wife. 

What the fuck was he doing here? 

He doesn't say anything. He just stands there. The only movement is the wind blowing through his hair. 

"Harry what's wrong?" I ask, I was beginning to get worried. 

Had something happened? Was he here to say goodbye? Was Taylor here too? A tear rolls down his cheek. I watch the wet trail it leaves against his lightly tanned skin. 

I take a step closer and something inside of him snaps. He shakes his head, finally back into the real world. He's breathing heavy, eyes watery. 

"I couldn't do it" He croaks, voice strained. It almost sounded like he had been crying for a long period of time. 

My heart stops at his words. Did I hear what I thought I heard or was my brain just thinking it heard what I think it heard? I shake my head, my own thoughts confusing me. 

"I couldn't do it" He continues to repeat as he walks closer to me. It happens so suddenly, and next thing I know is Harry is wrapped around me. 

His full weight seemed to collapse on top of me. His head is on my shoulder, arms around my waist. He's sniffling in my ear and I feel a wet patch forming on my skin.

My body doesn't react to the movements, still stunned by what was unfolding before me. My arms stay at my side as Harry continues to sniffle, as he continues to cry. 

"Please Sydney" He whispers, and I am automatically brought out of my thoughts, out of my little stunned session. 

My arms wrap around him as I attempt to stop him from crying. I still had no idea what the hell was going on, but my main priority right now seemed to be to stop Harry crying. I couldn't get a word out of him if he was a blubbering mess.

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