Chapter 5

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A/N: The more votes and comments i get the faster i will update. Also, if you like this story.. TELL PEOPLE ABOUT IT! Pleases and thank you's :DD

From my position in the bedroom, I could hear the opening and closing of my front door. I didn't think much of it, knowing it was Mark. My fingers lightly combed through my now straightened hair as I descended down the stairs to greet my boyfriend.

Marks legs were propped up against the coffee table, his head tilted back as his blue eyes stared at the ceiling. The laugh that emitted from my lips brought his attention to me. Mark was dressed in his usual attire, dark skinny jeans and light t shirt. It was plain and simple, just like him and that was the many things I liked about him. He didn't care about being fancy or wearing the nicest clothes and I admired that. It reminded me a little of myself, I guess that's why we clicked as soon as we met all those years ago.

The smile on his face was contagious, a dimpled smile that reached his eyes. His arms spread out wide allowing me to run into his chest and feel his warmth again. My legs propped each side of his waist, straddling him as my arms wrapped around his shoulders. No words were exchanged as we pulled away slightly, Marks hot breath fanning against my face as his blue eyes connected with my brown ones.

Slowly, Mark leaned in. His hand placed on the back of my neck, motioning for me to come closer as our lips locked in a loving yet desperate kiss. His lips moved slowly against my own, but the thirst could be felt as his tongue swept across my bottom lip asking for entrance. I was in no state to deny what he wanted, my lips opening willingly as his tongue explored my mouth.

The limited amounts of air in my lungs made me pull back slightly, giving us both a second to catch our breath before locking lips once again.

"I'm gonna miss you" Mark mumbled against my lips, my mind too clouded with the thought of Mark against my body to reply to his words. We pulled away for the second time as I gently placed my head against his chest, his heart beating fast and a satisfied smile played on my lips knowing I was the reason why his heart beat had sped up.

"I'm going to miss you too" I whispered back.

I knew our exchange of "I miss you's" meant more than just the one week he'd be away. We both knew that it wouldn't be long till he permanently moves away from London and joins the team he's always dreamed of being a part of. My grip on his t shirt tightened at the thought. Marks arms tightened around my waist as a comforting gesture as though he knew the thoughts that circled my mind.

"What would you like to do today?" I asked after a peaceful silence, finally looking up from my position against his chest and allowing our gazes to connect once again.

I watched as his eye brows creased slightly, thinking of something we could do with our limited time together. The side of his lips twitched as a smile was present on his face.

"How about cuddling and take away?" He asked and I reciprocated his smile, nodding in agreement as I placed my head against his chest again.


After ordering food from four different takeaways and loading films on Netflix, Mark and I were ready for our day together. I subconsciously reminded myself to turn my phone on again but as soon as Mark had wrapped his arms around my shoulders, the thought disappeared.

“I forgot to ask” Mark whispered in my ear as the opening of ‘Insidious’ lighted up both our faces in the dark room. The movie was starting.

I hummed in response, my eyes glued to the telly. Mark knows I hated it when people talk over a film I was dying to watch but because it was Mark, I could never stay mad for too long. I felt Marks lips against my jaw as he slowly made his way to the spot below my ear. A light kiss was placed before he began speaking again.

“Will you be my date to Harry’s wedding?” he whispered and I felt my heart rate speed up. Not only because of his request, but also the mention of Harry’s and Taylor’s wedding.

I finally looked away from the telly. Mark’s playful grin proved he had accomplished to grab my attention. I lightly slapped his shoulder before placing my head in the crook of his neck.

“Do you even have to ask?” I emphasised each word.

I heard a small chuckle and a smile instantly began making its way across my face at the beautiful sound. I tried hard to hide it but I had a feeling he had already seen me.

“Yes, I’m trying to be a gentleman” he replied in a cheeky tone.

I huffed in response, crossing my arms against my chest as I looked away from the film once more.

“You already know the answer Mark now let me watch the film” I replied in an exasperated voice. The smile on my face contrasted to the tone of my voice and I knew Mark was loving this.

Mark unwrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled away slightly. I look up to see him pouting slightly as he looked away from me. Here we go again with the tantrum I thought to myself. He always knew how to get his way with me.

I looked at him with fierce eyes, hoping he would look at me. When he continued to ignore my existence, I pushed him back slightly. Mark hadn’t expected it as he fell back on the sofa and a soft “oomph” sound left his lips.

I jumped on top of him, straddling his waist for the second time today. I leaned in slowly as I brought my face closer to his. From the look on his face, I knew he was trying his hardest not to smile at my dominant action.

“Are you really going to make me say it?” I whispered. His eyes closed as my breath fanned across his face. He inhaled deeply, the sides of his lips twitching but no smile graced his lips just yet. Damn he was good at this.

I placed a soft kiss against his lips, hoping for a reaction. When he continued to ignore my gestures, I finally gave in and answered his question. My fingers tangled in his brown quiff, a wide smile evident on my lips as the words escaped my lips.

“A million times YES!” I shouted, placing small kisses all over his face. I heard him chuckle at my excited demeanour as I stared into his blue irises.

“You’re something else, you know that?” he asked. I didn’t reply as I placed a hard kiss against his lips.


After three films, platefuls of fatty foods and stolen kisses, Mark and I had fallen asleep on the couch. Our legs and arms tangled together as we held each other close. The opening of a door pulled me out of my dream, my reactions delayed from the heavy sleep that had taken over my body.

I wasn’t sure whether I was awake or dreaming when I heard the door. As my eyes fluttered open slightly, I saw a figure standing beside the door way. I didn’t move, my body frozen at the thought of who had managed to get into my home.

I watched as his head dipped slightly, his eyes glued to the floor. I took this as an opportunity to open and close my eyes, trying to rid of the sleep that had evaded me a few minutes ago.

As my vision cleared, I was staring straight at a perfectly styled quiff. The boy had long legs which were covered in tight black skinny jeans. A flannel graced the top half of his body. As I took in each feature, the boy looked up and I closed my eyes hoping he hadn’t seen me awake.

I knew I should be scared but he looked so familiar. And then it hit me like a load of bricks. I quickly opened my eyes only to see Harry walking away, his head hung low.

Why was he here? Just as I was about to shout for him to come back, the sound of my door closing indicated he had left my home.

My mind swarmed with thoughts. Why did he come? He looked sad, was something wrong? And most importantly why did he leave? I wanted to get out the comfort of Marks hold around me but I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

If anything I was probably dreaming. My mind was racing as my eyes closed once more. Mark’s hold around my waist tightened and I instantly fell back asleep. My mind clouded with the boy that I love and the boy I was falling for. Was it possible to love two people at once? Did I love Mark? I wasn't sure and I was in no state to try and figure it out.

 A/N: little cliffhanger for you guys :) Don't forget to vote!xx

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