Chapter 16 Part One

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"Oh my god Sydney!" Eleanor's voice reached my ear as we stopped in front of the group. All eyes were on me and Niall as their conversation began to die down.

Niall let go of my hand as Eleanor walked the short distance between us, embracing me in a warm hug.

"You look absolutely stunning" She said as her grip around me tightened. Just as she was ready to pull away she stopped and leaned into my ear.

"Anna told me and Louis about your dress dilemma. I'm sorry Sid" The sadness was evident in her voice as she finally pulled away. I shook my head offering her my best smile, my eyes glistening hoping she would telepathically understand that it wasn't her fault. She nodded her head as though she understood and smiled.

I hadn't realised there was another body standing beside me. My breath caught in my throat as I looked up to see Mark eyeing my body, his mouth opened slightly.

"Babe... You, I-I err wow Sid..." His words came out muddled as he attempted to form a coherent sentence. I tried to hide the smile on my face as a blush crept on to his cheeks making everyone laugh quietly through their noses. Before he could continue, Louis began speaking.

"I think what Mark is trying to say is you look beautiful Sydney" I looked away from Mark as my lips curled up into a big smile.

"It was all Niall, If anything you should all be calling Niall beautiful" I stated, looking to the side and winking at Niall.

"Sid, shut it" He mumbled, lightly slapping my arm as everyone chuckled. My gaze landed on Harry to see his eyes trail up my body, I looked away. There is no way in hell I am accepting a compliment off him tonight.

"Thanks for ruining the moment Louis" Mark grumbled, his arm wrapping around my waist as he stuck his tongue out at Louis. I chuckled at their playfulness.

"Yeah Louis" Zayn began as he too started laughing. I smiled as Zayn and Louis began play fighting, their laughs and shouts taking the limelight now on them much to my appreciation. I let out a heavy sigh.

"The ring looks perfect with the dress babe" Mark stated, his eyes landing on the ring that was placed in a silver chain and around my neck. I couldn't agree with him more, it really did compliment the dress.

"Firstly, leave my Lou devil alone" I raised my eye brows at Zayn who began laughing as Louis cheered in triumph, shooting a smug look to Zayn.

"And thank you baby" I added as I smiled up at Mark before placing a chaste kiss on his lips. A few seconds passed before Louis and Perrie resumed their conversations and Niall walked over to Zayn. Mark used this to his advantage as he began leaning in towards me. My mind began clouding as he pressed his lips to my ear and began whispering.

"You really do look beautiful Sid" His voice was raspy making me shudder. Mark's lips touched the side of my jaw as he began leaving small kisses.

"And sexy..." I closed my eyes momentarily enjoying the feeling of his lips and the sound of his voice.

"Cat got your tongue Harry?" my ears perked up at the sound of Gemma's voice.

"No.. I... It's not the right time Gem" His voice was mumbled. I pulled away from Mark after placing a rough kiss against his lips. I had all night to kiss him but I only had this moment to listen in on Gemma and Harry's conversation. Gemma is like a sister to me and she never ever scolded me or Harry unless there was a very plausible reason behind it.

 "It's never the right time with you" I heard her say before retreating heeled foot steps could be heard. I assumed Gemma had walked away. I wanted to look to my right and look at Harry, but I stopped myself after Niall shot me a look and shook his head. I nodded discreetly hoping Mark hadn't seen.

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