Chapter 42

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A/N: So here is the long awaited chapter! I think everyone is getting sick of me apologising with how long it takes me to update. I had fun writing this one! Its more Mark based than Harry.

If you want me to promote your story, just PM me a link (I will also happily read it too and give you feedback as some people have asked :)) 

@sayy0uloveme - 

I will link the story in a comment too :) Please give it a read. 

This song I've chosen, its taken a top five slot in my all time favourite songs to ever be produced. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! I love the meaning behind it :). 

Stay lovely xx.

Flume- Never be like you 

I left Louis' home with Mark that night. Harry had attempted to put up a fight, saying that if I needed someone to take me home then it should be him. 

But I gave him a hard look and Mark rolled his eyes. All three of us knew that he was being childish, that he couldn't put mine and Marks friendship on hold like he did mine and his. That's not how the world works. 

We had wasted too much time arguing and acting like children in a playground. Some of us forgot that we were human. We had feelings and this wasn't a game of house. We couldn't pick and choose when we fell in love and who we fell in love with. 

This was reality. And it sucked. 

Mark and I had both driven here, so we agreed to drive separately and meet at his place. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead. 

"I hope that talk gave you some closure" He whispered in my ear, before walking to his car.

 I sat in mine for a few minutes, thinking about his words. In a way, yes, it did give me some closure. It answered questions. And most importantly, it filled this hole that had been growing in my chest. I pulled out my phone from my bag as I turned on the engine. 

I looked for Louis' contact and sent him a quick message. I didn't have time to apologise to him and the rest of the boys. According to Louis; Zayn and Liam had gone home. I didn't blame them. All they wanted was a relaxed dinner with all their friends. 

'I'm sorry with how the night turned out. I wasn't expecting it to be drama filled and I honestly didn't want to ruin anyone's night. If I had known it would cause this much trouble, I would've stayed at home. Please don't be mad at me :(' 

I quickly synced my Bluetooth to my car, enabling me to listen to my playlist while I drove to Marks. 

I tried hard to not over think everything that happened tonight. I tried not to think about Harry and Taylor going back to his together and what mess would span out after what she had heard in the living room. Harry didn't need grief, not from Taylor. 

Not from someone who plans to make decisions for him for the rest of his life. 

I needed answers as to why she wanted Harry to lose contact with the boys. I guess I got my answer for her not wanting Harry to speak to me. But why couldn't she have addressed it like an adult? 

Yes, both Harry and I are wrong. But she was wrong too. In more ways than what has been said. 

I parked beside Marks car and made my way inside. Louis had text back. 

'I'm not mad love. We're happy this got out now than later. How are you doing?'

It hurt me how much he and the rest of the boys cared. I didn't deserve them. I ruined their night. Harry, Taylor and I, ruined their night. We ruined Marks night. We didn't deserve such people. 

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