Chapter 47

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A/N: So, I know the wait for this chapter has been long and menial and I apologise. I had a lot going on with university and work. It's been incredibly stressful. 

Thank you to everyone that has been patient. 

This story is slowly coming to an end. Thank you to everyone that has stuck by me from the beginning. 

I love you all. xx 

Joel Adams- Please Don't Go 

"If I had known we were seeing Panic! I would have brought my t-shirt with me" I pout at Niall and Mark, both currently wearing a piece of Panic! At The Disco merchandise. They looked like little fanboys and it made me giggle. 

But my giggling would halt when I remembered I was currently in black overalls and a plain white tee. I didn't look like a fangirl. I really wanted to look like a fangirl! 

Both Niall and Mark held amused expressions on their faces whilst I acted like a five year old. Mark begins to shake his head as he walks over to the many bags we had brought up to Manchester with us. 

Slowly, he pulls out my Panic! t-shirt and my eyes widen in excitement. 

"When did you pack that?! When did you go into my wardrobe? How?!" I demanded answers as I ran towards him, talking the item of clothing out of his hand. 

He chuckles lightly. 

"I have my ways" 

I squint my eyes, trying to contort my face into one of utter disbelief and anger but I failed miserably. I was too happy right now. 

"Look away, both of you!" I look over to Niall who has a small pout on his face, but he obliges anyway. 

"I've seen you naked" Mark huffs as I unbuckle the strap that was on my overalls and remove the t-shirt. I roll my eyes. 

"So have I" I can't help but squeal when both boys turn around, my arms above my head as I try and put my Panic! t-shirt on. 

"I hate you both" I mumble, succeeding in pulling the t-shirt down with a little help from Mark. 

Its hard pulling down a white t-shirt when you have a face pull of makeup! Make up stains were hard to get rid of! Especially when its on one of your favourite t-shirts.

I buckle one of the straps of my overalls and nod to myself, happy with my appearance. 

"Lets a go go" I muse, grabbing my bag and keys. 

I lead the way before turning my head and shooting Niall a look. 

"And Niall, you haven't seen me naked" 

"Close to naked then" 

Before I could respond Mark butts in. 

"Not as naked as I have mate" My eyes bulge out of their sockets, heat rising straight to my cheeks. They are not going to discuss who has seen me more naked! 

"You've dated her. Considering I haven't, I've seen a lot of her" 

I halt my movements and turn around, my eyes piercing straight into Niall. I point a finger in his chest, poking hard at his muscled chest.

"You've seen me in a bikini, a towel and topless. You and Harry walked in on me getting changed in the tour bus!" 

I turn to Mark, nostrils flaring as I point a finger straight into his muscled chest. 

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