Chapter 44

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A/N: I had to republish this chapter because I was getting messages from some readers saying it was not viewable for them. 

Thank you so much for your patience! 

This song is relevant to the story, don't you think? 

Stay lovely xx. 

Tyrone Wells- Time of our Lives 

Gemma stood in front of me, her arms folded across her chest. She lightly tapped her foot as she waited for my response.

She had decided to visit me on my day off, after hearing about Harry's little disappearing act. I can't help but roll my eyes at her.

I didn't want anything to do with this any more.

"Well?" She's impatient. Her posture says it all and the hard gaze she's sending in my direction.

Mark was standing beside me, and I would occasionally catch a glimpse of his hand moving towards mine. A motion to grab it when we were in tense situations. But he would stop mid air and allow his arm to fall back to his side.

I inwardly roll my eyes at that. Mark was scared of Gemma, that much was for sure. Even if he didn't want to admit it.

Before Mark and I had started dating, we had a small disagreement. It was after the first time we had kissed.

He was jealous about me kissing someone else on a drunken night out and had voiced his thoughts. Saying I shouldn't be kissing random nobody's.

Gemma was there when that happened. She had told him, in a very rude and matter of fact way, that if he didn't want me kissing someone else, then he should ask me out.

He was quiet after that and let the subject drop.

Even then, Mark never raised his voice. He had managed to slide it into conversation. Unlucky for him, Gemma was there.

It wasn't until we were dating for two months that he finally admitted to Gemma and I that he was jealous. I found it sweet.

"Sydney, I'm waiting"

She takes a couple of steps closer to me, her arms falling to her side. I look up at her and sigh, shaking my head.

"You already know everything! Why do I need to repeat it Gemma?" I whine childishly.

It's Gemma's turn to roll her eyes.

"Because I want to hear from you what happened"

"Harry admitted he loves me, we kissed and made up. He told me to stop spending time with Mark and I told him we both needed space. He went off the radar for a couple of days and Taylor came over asking if he was with me. I said no. That's it"

I release a heavy sigh as I run my fingers through my hair. 'That's it'. That was a lot of drama to summarise as 'that's it'.

"And how do you feel about that Sydney?" Gemma asks.

"Stop it Gem. You're making me feel like I'm in therapy"

I attempt to walk past her but she places her hands on my shoulders, halting me. Her features had softened now as she sent me that 'big sister look'.

I hated that look but I loved it at the same time. I've always wanted an older sister. And thanks to Harry, I had that. He shared his big sister with me.

"You know I'm asking because I care"

I offer her a small smile as I place my hand over one of hers. I pull it off my shoulders and lace my fingers through hers.

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