Chapter 23 Part One

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A/N: I got emotional writing this chapter. The song 'I Want You Back' is a favourite of mine sang by my favourite duo (It's originally by Jackson 5) and it portrays Sydney's and Harry's relationship perfectly. The link is on the side if you want to listen as you read the chapter. I hope you enjoy reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. This is only Part One ;)

Stay lovely xx.


Just a couple of strums, there's no harm in that Sydney

Pick it up and play it, no one will know

My subconscious was pushing me, encouraging me, as I stared at the guitar leaning against the chest of drawers. The familiar patterns soaked into the wood seemed to slow the blood running through my veins. The familiar logo stickers of my favourite bands littered the fading wood, torn and worn. After dinner, I decided on coming upstairs and unpacking a little instead of sitting with everyone and watching a movie. As much as I try to push it away, I still felt like the outsider here.

I willed my fingers to brush against the somewhat soft wood as it reached the worn sticker of the Greenday logo. I smiled at the memories that seemed to cram my brain at the simple touches. Who would have thought, 16 year old me was trying to push through.

The past is the past Sydney, don't let it turn your talent bitter

Playing the guitar was something that came naturally to me when my mother purchased my first acoustic guitar for my 10th birthday. I was ecstatic and quick to try out the different notes. I picked and learnt the instrumental versions to all my favourite songs and by the time I was 13, I was a natural. I grabbed the instrument and made my way downstairs, ready to throw away- or recycle- something I no longer needed. I've grown up and I've moved on, I don't need these memories.

"You know, everyone is worried about you. They've noticed a change in your behaviour"

I stared at the back garden through the glass door. I was so caught up in my thoughts, I hadn't heard Anne walking into the kitchen as I stood with my hand on the back door handle. She hovered by the doorway as I trailed my eyes back to the instrument in front of me.

"Good change or bad?" I asked, not really into the conversation. This is news to me, I hadn't noticed any changes with myself.

"Distant" Was all she said, I didn't need her to explain any further, I already knew what she meant by it. "Don't throw it away Sid, you'll regret it later"

"All I feel is regret when I look at it. It reminds me of my poor decisions Anne" My voice cracked as I removed my hand from the door handle and turned to look at Anne. Her gaze didn't hold sympathy like it did all those years ago, now it held understanding, and for that I was grateful. Before she could reply, a beautiful blonde stepped into the kitchen, a big smile on her face. She was clueless.

"Oh, Sydney" She was surprised and I watched as her smile faltered. Her eyes trailed to the guitar in my hand before she looked at me again. "You play?"

"Played" I muttered, readying myself to turn around and place the item in the trash. I head someone walking towards me and the familiar scent of Harry filled my senses. My god, she smells of Harry.

"Why did you stop?" I looked at her, hoping the pain wasn't evident behind my brown irises.

"Long story Tay" I offered her a small smile as I looked behind her and exchanged glances with Anne. Her eyes were wide, no one else knows the story behind me not playing anymore apart from Harry, his family, my mother, Mark and the rest of the One Direction boys.

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