Chapter 52 Part One

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A/N: Hey guys! I was in such a rush to update, I forgot to write a little message! I can't believe how close we are to the end! I'm sorry I left it on a cliffhanger but I want to know who you guys would like it to be. Do you want it to be Harry or Mark? Or neither of them. It could be her mum or a friend.

Thank you for all your support!

Shawn Mendes- Ruin

"So, I received a weird text message from Harry last night"

I hum in response, placing a forkful of omelette into my mouth. I had a hunch about what the text message might have said.

"Oh yeah?" I say, mildly interested.

I had spent the better half of last night erasing Harry out of my life. His number, his pictures, his videos, his shirts and clothes. Everything was in a black bag in my bedroom.

When my mother had come into my room in the morning to wake me, she observed the room. I knew she wanted to say something, but held her tongue.

I was grateful, I hoped she understood that this was my way of healing.

"He text me asking where you had gone for the weekend"

I slowly nod my head. Mark was drinking in my reaction, hoping for something to snap inside me at the mention of Harry's name. But that reaction didn't come, and that little spark of hope in his eyes dimmed a little.

"What did you say?" I ask, placing more omelette into my mouth.

If there was one thing my mother was good at cooking, it was an omelette. She had skills in the kitchen, and I was proud that I spent most my childhood watching her cook. I'm able to create food as good as she does, but unfortunately for me, I still hadn't mastered the perfect omelette.

"I said I didn't know" He shrugs his shoulders and takes a sip of his coffee, eyes never leaving me.

"Thank you" I offer him the smallest of smiles, grateful for his loyalty to me.

"Sydney, stop it" He places the mug down, and in return I place my knife and fork down.

"Stop what?"

"Stop acting like you don't care" He reaches over, grabbing my left hand. He squeezes it gently.

"It's not an act Mark, I promise. He text me last night too"

He seems taken aback by my response, but quickly composes himself.

"What did he say?"

"The same"

Mark nods his head and looks off to a spot behind my head. I watch as he thinks, wondering what was going through his head right now. When his eyes land on mine, I visibly gulp.

Mark was never one to be serious, he was always gentle, understanding. But the look in his eyes told me he meant business. That he wasn't taking me seriously. That he wanted answers and one way or another, he was going to get the answers he wants.

"Why are you doing this, Sydney?"

"I don't know what you mean" I pull my hand out of his and grab my mug of coffee.

"You know exactly what I mean. How can you sit there and lie to me? You think your mum didn't tell me about your bedroom?"

I roll my eyes at this. Trust mother to blab on me like a 5 year old telling on the naughty kid at school.

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