Chapter 8

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A/N: If I get at least 17 votes I will update twice next week :) PLEASE tell others about my fanfiction if you enjoy reading it. Hope you like this chapter xx

Harry's plain black t-shirt suddenly became more interesting than the green of his irises. Harry however didn't question my silence as he waited patiently, his fingers tracing random shapes against my arm.

I have told Harry everything regarding mine and Marks relationship in the past, but I hadn't told him about my feelings towards Mark- well not my entire feelings towards him.

I took a deep breath before looking at Harry again, his eyes full of curiosity.

"He left for Manchester again" my voice was barely a whisper, the thought alone of him leaving again created a lump in my throat.

"How do you feel about that Sydney?" Harry asked me. His position on the bed had changed.

My head no longer rested on his chest as he gently placed it against the pillow before joining me. Our eyes were now level as we laid down on our sides.

I took a minute before replying, Harry's steady breathing calmed the growing ache of loneliness in my chest.

"I'm upset about it Harry, I didn't expect him to leave so soon" my voice betrayed me as it cracked towards the end of my sentence.

Harry didn't reply, the green in his eyes dulling slightly as he looked away. I took this as an opportunity to look away, his stare was intense and I felt deprived of emotions.

"He's coming back though isn't he?" I looked up briefly to see him staring at something behind me, he seemed so deep in thought.

"Yeah for now" I replied in a mono tone. I felt as though I was in therapy with Harry asking me a billion and one questions. Who was I to complain though, if I had a psychiatrist as hot as Harry I would welcome these questions with open arms.

Harry finally looked at me once more, his eyes softening.

"There is so much you're not telling me Sid, I can see it in your eyes and I can hear it in your voice"

The corner of his lips curled up into a small smile as I looked away, knowing fully well he was right. I shook my head at him slightly before moving closer to him, the tips of our noses touching.

"And that's the reason why I never try hiding anything from you" The familiar crinkles by his green eyes became prominent as Harry smiled wide making me smile too.

Harry closed the inch gap between us as he placed a small kiss against my cheek, his breath warm against my skin as my eyes closed unintentionally.

"Tell me everything" Harry whispered, I could feel his lips brush against my cheek. "From the start..." he added before laying his head down on the pillow once more.

I allowed my eyes to open as I pieced together what I want to say in my head.

"I don't really know Harry" I began saying, my mind and heart having a battle over what I should say next.

"Mark and I's friendship was... well is and will always be something I will cherish" Harry nodded in understanding as I continued.

"And when he asked me to be his girlfriend, I was ecstatic because deep down I really did like him. 7 months Haz, we've been together for 7 months and... It... T-That's just not a good enough reason..."

I broke the eye contact with Harry now as I stared at the white sheets below us.

"I- Harry, I-I'm just not ready to live my life without him but at the same time I'm not ready to move to Manchester and be with him" I frowned to myself as I continued to avoid Harry's gaze.

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