Chapter 30

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Not In That Way. Click play and read.

(I cry every time I listen to this song)

Stay lovely xx.

I realised two things as I sat beside Louis, gazing in the eyes of the boy I once called my best friend. Hell even after everything that had happened, I still hoped we are best friends.

The first thing I realised is that in order to explain the situation I had somehow managed to get myself in, I would have to tell the three boys the two things that are tearing me apart; My bridesmaid position being taken away from me and well Mark being taken away from me too.

The second thing I realised is how weak I felt at the moment. I realised how unhappy I am with everything that has been happening. I realised that I was holding on by a string and this confrontation with Harry might be what makes me snap.



"Sydney are you listening?!"

I snapped out of my thoughts, watching as Niall walked towards me. His face was laced with concern which confused me.

"We've been calling your name for the past minute Sid" He explained.

I shook my head, I hadn't realised I had spaced out.

"Sorry babe, what were you saying?"

"We asked why you couldn't attend the wedding"

It was Louis who spoke this time. I looked in his direction, a frown taking over my features. I didn't know how to mask it and I doubt I had the strength to smile through it. Instead I shook my head.

"Can I speak to you alone for a minute?" My head snapped towards Harry. I didn't know why, but for a second I had forgotten he was there.

"I- I- I don't think that's a good idea" I muttered.

I avoided staring into his eyes, scared that he would be able to see all the emotions I felt behind them. He had a tendency to know what I was feeling- most of the time.

"Hey, Sydney?"

Louis placed his hand over mine, making me gaze into his blue irises. They visibly softened, a ghost of a smile playing at the corner of his lips. I nodded my head, a gesture for him to continue. I didn't trust my voice at the moment.

"You can disagree, but don't you think it would be easier to speak to Harry about this alone instead of with Niall and I spectating?"

My frown deepened as I shook my head. If anything, It would be easier to have them here. They could be my strength in this moment of weakness.

The smile on Louis lips became prominent as he gently squeezed my hand.

"Now, now Sid. Are you being irrational?"

I shook my head.

"Sydney?" I wanted to crack a smile because of his childish voice, his bottom lip jutted out. His blue eyes sparked with mischievous intentions. He knew how to break my stubborn exterior. I found my voice this time to reply. He knew exactly how to get my emotions working again.

"I hate you" I whispered, standing up. I leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to Louis' forehead. "Thank you for the confidence boost"

A breathy chuckle escaped his lips as he watched me intently, a sense of pride flashing behind his eyes. I looked towards Niall and smiled widely.

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