Chapter 32

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A/N: Hey everyone, how are you all? I'm moving into my new home at University in 6 days! The update was a little slower than anticipated but i hope I've done it justice!

Please leave some feedback, comment, vote and fan :) love you all! The next update will be in a couple of weeks after I've moved and settled in, thank you to everyone for being patient.

I'm on my phone so I can't link a song :(

Stay lovely xx.

I stood outside Harry's home, the rain getting heavier. My shirt clung to my skin, the cold slowly creeping into my bones and making me shiver. The tears continued to flow, the salty water getting mixed in with the heavy down pour. Good weather never lasts in the UK.

The day had started out so great and now, now I was lost. Now I didn't know what to do with myself, what to feel and what to do next. I was stuck in a endless struggle of understanding my emotions, mentally and physically.

The lights of his house were turned off, an indication that he wasn't in or was asleep. It had hit midnight when I arrived back in London. What I was doing in front of Harry's house however, is a mystery to me. I had abandoned taking my own car when Mark had dropped me off, opting to run to Harry's. But now I wondered what I was doing here.

He was getting married in less than 9 weeks. I shouldn't be here.

I was thankful for the lack of, or no paparazzi being here. They had a tendency to stalk his home even after Harry had won the court order to sustain his privacy in his own home.

After pressing the buttons to enter Harry's home, I opted to leaning against one of his cars, placing my head in between my legs and taking ragged breaths. The rain was getting heavier by the second. Memories of the last few hours flashed in my head, making my heart grow heavier with sadness.

"What?" I stared up at Mark, my heart racing in my chest.

What was happening? What had brought this up? Why now?

"I know you love him Sydney. I've known since the moment you introduced me to Harry. You love him"

My voice disappeared as did my breath. I choked at the lack of oxygen in my lungs, momentarily scaring both Mark and I. He quickly grabbed my waist with one hand while rubbing my back with the other.

"Baby breathe" He whispered soothingly in my ear. I did as I was told, taking slow breaths as I rubbed my eyes, trying to rid of the tears that were threatening to fall.

"I'm not mad Sydney, don't think I am"

"I don't understand what is happening" I whispered, my voice cracking towards the end of the sentence. In the course of 10 minutes, the atmosphere had changed. As did our moods.

"Shall we sit down first?" Mark asked quietly, walking us back into the living room and looking around the room before a small chuckle escaped his lips. "Floor maybe?"

His teasing tone had me momentarily smiling inside but that faded when I realised the situation we were in. I simply nodded my head, watching him lean against the wall and slide down onto the ground. I followed his lead, taking a seat beside him.

The side of our bodies were touching and he placed a hand on my knee, lightly squeezing.

"You've been distant lately and it doesn't take a genius to know why"

Mark's small smile had me confused and I managed to muster up enough courage to speak. It seems my voice had decided to lock itself away, too scared to say anything in case I said something wrong.

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