Chapter 10

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Invitations for the engagement party was at the top of the list. We had a week to plan and prepare and today I was in charge of invitations alongside Eleanor. We've been sat in her apartment in Manchester for the past three hours writing down the names and addresses of everyone on the guest list which has been provided by Taylor and Harry. I did Harry's list while El did Taylor's.

We made sure to double check both lists beforehand to deduct the people who have been written on both lists as there was no use in sending two invites to the same person. It had both Tay's and Harry's name written across it so it doesn't really matter which list it is from.

"How many more do you have?" I asked Eleanor as I placed a stamp on the invitation for the beautiful Lou Teasdale and Tom Atkins.

"Urgh I have no idea! How are they supposed to book a flight from half way across the world to be here on time for the engagement?" Eleanor replied, the frustration evident in her voice.

Both me and Eleanor are calm people and it takes A LOT to annoy us, but I understand her frustration. Taylor's list is never ending and Harry's one is the same.

"Blame the spontaneous couple for their spontaneous date" I muttered under my breath but from the light chuckle coming from beside me, I knew Eleanor heard.

"I don't know why you are laughing, we have to do this again with the wedding invitations" I bit back earning a scowl off Eleanor.

"There is no way in hell..." Her little rant was cut off by the ringing off my phone. I raised a hand to pause her for a second as I pressed the receive button without looking at the caller I.D.

"Free slave labour, how may I help you?" I spoke into the phone in a sarcastic tone. I was in no mood for any more commands for the rest of the day.

A deep chuckle responded making my temper rise by a notch.

"Hello to you to Sydney" Harry replied, a hint of humour in his voice.

"You think this is funny do you? Me and El aren't even getting paid for this Haz" I continued complaining as Harry chuckled down the phone.

"I promise to take you both out for lunch when the party is out of the way" My frustration eased at his request and I found myself smiling a little.

"Don't make promises you can't keep" 

Eleanor looked at me as if to say 'What's wrong?'

"Harry's promised to take us out to lunch after the engagement" I told her and her face instantly broke out into a smile.

"Just lunch?" She pouted making me chuckle. I guess Harry heard her too as he began laughing.

"I promise to make it worth your while" I began making cheering noises in an attempt to show how ecstatic I was with the revelation when in reality I was just being my sarcastic self. There is always a catch. Harry didn't care though as he continued to speak.

"And everyone else who has been helping; the lads, Anna, Lou, Sam, Mum, Gem..." Harry began naming the people who have been involved so far with the engagement and wedding plans. I sighed, pressing the speaker button and placing it back on the table.

Eleanor continued to laugh at my actions as I carried on with the remaining invitations. Harry's voice filled the quiet room, the list of helpers seemed never ending just like the list of invites.

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