Chapter 14

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A/N: important message at the end for those who would like to see everyone's dresses and suits :) Happy reading xx.

Light brush strokes against my cheeks brought me back to reality as I watched the movements in the hall from the far right hand corner. As I had my make up done, I was careful to make sure everyone was staying on task. The last details were added to the tables which were a gift bag accompanying each name plate. Anna and Eleanor's continuous nagging about me getting ready led to me getting my make up done. While everyone else was in the rooms in the back, I stayed out front so everything was still in order. There was only an hour left before the guests start arriving.

Lou seemed quiet content about how minimum my movements were. There were other stylists here too, getting the girls ready but Lou insisted on doing mine. I was thankful, I would feel awkward with a random someone so up close to my face. Her smile was small as she watched me stare at the lanterns above, my mind wondering what the evening has to offer. A few people had speeches set up for midnight, while others wanted music to different dances like the tango or a slow dance. Whatever points a guest or Harry or Taylor had made, I made sure this event delivered it.

They both deserved something extravagant. It's rare for them to see all their family members and friends and it's nice knowing that they could have all their loved ones in one place.

"C-Could you hurry up please?" I stuttered, hoping I didn't seem rude. Lou was someone who I looked up to. She was such a happy and content person that she could lift the mood in a room with just her smile. No wonder the boys love having her around, she's not only their stylist and carer but a good friend too.

"Seriously Sid? You can't even spare 20 minutes on getting ready?" She gave me one of her stern looks, her eyebrows frowned together as she pointed a blusher brush in my direction.

I shrugged in response, trying to hide my smile. It's rare seeing a stern looking Lou, she couldn't stay serious to save her life.

"Harry and Taylor will be here soon, I have to make sure everything is done"

That was a lame excuse, just by looking at the hall proves that everything had been completed to perfection. Louis and I had added an extra touch of adding fairy lights on the walls, while we got someone with more experience to put them around the lanterns hanging from the ceiling. Now it looks like a starry night but indoors.

"Not a chance Sid, that excuse won't work with me" She shook her head, sticking her tongue out before going to work on my hair. Oh no, not the hair.

"Please I don't want anything mind blowing! Same with my make up, I hope you haven't gone over board Louise" Now it was my turn to give her my best stern look.

"No chance! From your dress bag hanging in the back room, I can tell it's going to be hot, so why not have hot make up and a hot hair do to top it all off"

She winked at me as she grabbed a round hair brush and began working on my long black locks.

No one had seen my dress yet, apart from Anna, even after I had insisted they take it out of the bag. I have been busy all day and they thought it wouldn't be the right thing to do to look at the dress without me being there. Now that was a stupid excuse.

Half an hour later, I was greeting guests. After Lou had finished doing my hair and make up, the guests started arriving meaning I still had yet to look in the mirror and see what I look like. I probably looked stupid; my black skinny jeans and a baseball jersey was fine. However, add that to having party like hair and make up... Well there's no doubt I looked like an idiot right now.

I stood on the side lines as I looked at each guest. No one had gone against the theme for the engagement party which I was happy about, I didn't want to tell someone they had to leave for not following one simple rule. Black was worn alongside reds, whites, gold, silver, green and even orange. Everyone looked beautiful.

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