Chapter 31

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A/N: I'd like to start off by saying sorry, this update took longer than expected. I was on holiday to London and when I came back, I had the stress of fixing all my paperwork for University. Now I have to pack everything! I'm hoping to update again before I move into halls/dorm.

Hope the chapter is enough of an apology :) don't forget to comment, vote and fan! Love you all.

Cornerstone by Arctic Monkeys- Press play.

(Thank you for almost 30K reads!)

Stay lovely xx.

The calls and text messages began again, and I continued to ignore them. It felt like a repeat in history, a history I didn't want to relive. What I wanted was everything to be back to normal with Harry but I realised yesterday at Niall's that maybe it was too broken to be fixed.

Niall and Louis never questioned how my chat with Harry went. Harry didn't even say goodbye to the boys, he just left...

Instead, Niall and Louis made sure to keep my mind off the conversation. They challenged me to multiple matches on FIFA before they decided to change it to Halo. I wasn't very good at that game. COD, now that is a game I'm really good at.

Mark had dragged me down to Manchester with him, opting for a four hour long car ride instead of going on the train. It took an hour to convince my boss to let me work from home. I had used bribery to convince her though, saying I would have five transcripts read and analysed and I would buy her lunch for a week.

"I'm making a quick coffee stop at the service station. Want anything babe?" Mark asked as he parked the car.

"A pee" I mumbled under my breath, removing my seat belt and exiting the car. The weather wasn't half bad, but it didn't stop me from wearing one of Marks sweatshirts. His chuckle from beside me indicates he heard me.

"Shall I order the usual while you 'void your bladder?'" His hands came up to form air quotes. I rolled my eyes, trying to hold back my smile. That's usually how I state I need to pee.

"Shut up Mark"

He laughed loudly, grabbing my hand and guiding me towards the Costa and Starbucks. I never understood the need to have two major coffee shops so close to each other. A Mcdonalds stood to the left, as well as a Waitrose and Tesco.

"Why so grumpy?" He chirped, a big grin taking over his perfectly chiselled face.

"You would be grumpy too if your boyfriend woke you up by chucking water on your face. At 6am"

I glared at the back of his head, trying to make it explode with the power of my brain. Why did we have to set out so early?! He knew how much I value my sleep.

"I got jealous and wanted you to myself" He shrugged casually.

We entered the service station, walking towards the Starbucks. The smell of coffee filled my nostils as I took a deep breath. I focused my gaze to the side of Marks head after I caught up to him, our footsteps now in sync.


"Yes, jealous"

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I took in his hard stare. He was looking everywhere but at me.

"why are you jealous babe?" I asked nonchalantly.

He shrugged his shoulders, ignoring my question. I squeezed his hand before letting it go, our hands falling at our sides.

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