Zhongli [fluff]

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hi, hello

so i wrote this pov for that super-cool playlist (link above) and i really enjoyed writing it and since i have a few more ideas i thought i would make a place where i can share those silly povs of mine with someone lmao

so yea.

i hope you'll have fun reading my stuff and you'll stick around c:


The world was falling asleep.

You sat in the middle of a field of glaze lilies, on the cliff, looking at the bright lights of Liyue shining in the distance. It was quiet and peaceful. And lonely. Sure, the moon was beautiful, as well as all the countless stars above your head and the flowers around you. But you couldn't help but to feel a bit sad.

"Penny for your thoughts, dear y/n" you heard suddenly and your heart skipped a beat. You would recognize this voice everywhere.

"A penny for you or for me, Mr. Zhongli?" you asked, turning your head to look at the man standing behind you. He smiled slightly.

"Now, now. That was mean" he said trying to sound at least just a little bit mad, although he was still smiling.

You smiled as well and turned your eyes again at Liyue.

For a moment, you both said nothing. Quiet filled the warm summer air just as uncertainty filled your heart.

"But y/n, really, is there something bothering you? You look troubled" Mr. Zhongli stepped closer to you.

"Is that so? It's nothing, believe me" you said, hoping that he won't believe you at all. "Thank you for your concern, Mr. Zhongli. I appreciate it"

"Well, if you say so, my dear" Mr. Zhongli kneeled in front of you. You couldn't see the brightness of Liyue now, but you didn't mind. For you, the brightness of the deep, dark, honey eyes of the man in front of you, was more than enough.

"But if there is something I could do, please tell me" Mr. Zhongli touched your hand gently. "You know you can talk to me any time about anything, right?"

You nodded, unable to speak.

Your heart was pounded in your chest like crazy.

Mr. Zhongli smiled and stood up again. It felt as if he was about to leave but kind of didn't want to. You didn't want him to leave either but you didn't feel brave enough to ask him to stay. It seemed to you that it would be too much to keep him here, just for yourself. He was a god, an archon, the one who guided and protected humanity.

And you? You were only a traveller, wanderer, a nobody. A mere mortal fated to turn into oblivion one day, while he will be standing here, firm as stone, as gentle as a summer's day, watching over the world. You wished you could stay with him forever. But it was impossible. It made your heart ache and you hoped (you hated yourself for that selfishness) that Mr. Zhongli would stay beside you. At least for this one night.

"My dear y/n" he spoke up unexpectedly. "Would you mind if I joined you? If you want to be alone, then of course I won't bother you any longer but I just-"

"I would be delighted" you assured him. You couldn't believe it. It was very silly of you but you felt like you could die of happiness. Silly, silly you.

Mr. Zhongli sat down next to you with a sigh. You could smell his perfume - jasmine, sandalwood and something sweet. You didn't know what exactly that "something" was but it had always made you feel dizzy and weak and happy, for this was what love smelled like to you.

You didn't dare to speak, to ruin that perfect, quiet moment. You were also scared to look at the man beside you. What if it was just a dream and he would disappear? You didn't want that to happen. So you just stared at the moon with your heart aching and pounding, so happy that you could die.

"The moon tonight is beautiful" you said before you knew it.

You turned your eyes at Mr. Zhongli to see if he was annoyed with your stupid, unnecessary comment that ruined this perfect silence between you.

But to your surprise, when you looked at him, your eyes met with his.

He was looking at you this whole time.

"Oh, breathtaking indeed" said Mr. Zhongli, smiling and keeping his eyes on you.

You didn't turn your gaze either.

He was beautiful. The light of glaze lilies danced on his face, his hair glisten in the glow of the moon and he was smiling at you. At you, and you only. His eyes sparkled and he seemed... Happy.

The stars might shine bright but it was him who lighted up your world.

Mr. Zhongli pressed his warm hand to your cheek. Carefully, gently as if he feared you would vanish. But you didn't and his smile grew.

All you could see was him and only him. It felt like a dream to be here, now and with him but (you almost fainted when you realized) it was real.

The rest of the world didn't exist for you as you suddenly noticed that Mr. Zhongli was looking in your eyes and at your lips, in your eyes and at your lips, over and over again. He seemed a bit scared as if he wasn't sure of anything, like he was longing to kiss you but also feared something at the same time.

You, amazed by your courage, ended his agony by pressing your lips to his. They were so soft and he was so gentle and you felt like you melted under his touch.

You thought you couldn't be more in love with him but oh my, you were so wrong.

With every second, you fell deeper and deeper, yet still wanting more. Your hearts racing, your bodies so, so close, your lips pressed together... You really wouldn't mind if it stayed like that forever.

And you knew you didn't have forever and it all will eventually come to an end. But it was fine. Because this little moment right now, it was your eternity.

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