Childe [fluff, back to the basics]

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When y/n woke up the sheets beside them were still warm but the bed was empty. It was already late and bright daylight was sinking into the bedroom through the window, spilling on the walls, floor and bed, slightly blinding y/n.

Through the crack in the door they could hear humming of a kettle from the kitchen and -soon enough - smell the freshly brewed coffee. y/n was still sleepy, so all felt a bit blurry.

Snuggled under the covers, they gazed mindlessly at the moving light spots on the wall. The passage of time wasn't relevant and y/n wasn't bored in the slightest, while wasting it. Actually, it felt nice to sit like this and just be.

They didn't even notice when the echo of steps from the kitchen, began to sound more loudly and only when the door creaked opening wide, did y/n raised their eyes up.

They smiled seeing the man, who entered the room with the smell of coffee following him.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" He looked at y/n apologetically, sat on the bed beside them and wanted to pass them a cup but y/n just put it on the nightstand and pressed their now free hands to his cheeks, their fingers gently drawing arabesques. y/n looked him in the eyes, seemingly studying him.

"No, Ajax" y/n said softly, caressing his skin as he pressed his face to the palm of their hand. He was gazing at y/n in admiration, with his calm smile, reserved for their eyes only. They smiled at him and kissed him, quickly backing away and taking the cup from the nightstand in the hands.

The redhead raised a brow as he stared at y/n, who now sat cross-legged and was drinking coffee innocently, with steam raising towards their face.

"So I wake up early just to make you coffee and this is all the thanks I get?" the man asked, crossing his arms and making a disappointed face.

"Yes." y/n continued to drink their coffee unbothered by what would seem like a tantrum's prelude. "Were you counting on something else?"

They looked at Ajax, who was now pouting, and they rolled their eyes and sighed.

"Oh, so what?" y/n tapped their fingers against the cup, raising eyebrows. " You didn't make me coffee out of the kindness of your heart?"

The man beside them smiled slightly and took a sip of his coffee.

"Yeah, let's say I know other, better, ways to make you feel awake" he said calmly, shamelessly staring y/n in the face.

They shook their head in disapproval but still averted his gaze and rather focused their full attention on the cup. Ajax sat and looked at y/n, waiting for more of a reaction.

y/n could feel his gaze but wasn't going to let themselves be provoked.

"Drink your coffee" they said bluntly.

Redhead giggled as he saluted, while y/n was drinking their coffee and considering whether to do something nasty to him or just let it go.

For some time they both drank in silence, until Ajax got bored and asked y/n how were they enjoying their coffee.

"It's strong." They shrugged, still sipping from the cup.

The man furrowed his brows and pulled down his mouth, nodding his head as if he just found out some information crucial to the survival of the world.

"Sorry" he murmured and y/n furrowed their brows as well, confused.

"No, no it's fine" they assured him quickly.

Ajax looked at them unconvinced.

"But you don't like strong coffee" he pointed out. "And I probably switched your cup with mine."

y/n rolled their eyes.

"But I like your coffee" they sighed. It sounded quite cheesy and kind of pathetic but it had to be said. "And even if it was a mix-up, then you should have made it confidently."

He raised his brows, blinking in confusion.

"I should've made a mistake confidently?"

"Yes." y/n shrugged. It was sweet that Ajax cared about the coffee and y/n's preferences. Yet it was also worrying that he would be so thrown-off if – according to his opinion – he didn't do well enough. y/n figured they would eventually talk about it, sometime in the future, but for now they could be at least supportive and try to comfort him if nothing else. "Then it seems more like destiny and nobody has issues with it happening."

"What about you, though?"

"What do you mean?" y/n didn't understand where he was going with this.

The man looked them in the eyes.

"Well do you make mistakes confidently?" he asked, almost sheepishly, and suddenly it made sense.

"Ajax." y/n put down the cup and took his hands into theirs, gazing into his eyes and trying to sound as convincing and certain as possible. "I don't make mistakes. And that's because unlike you I think things through before I do them. So don't bother your pretty head with that, okay?"

y/n pulled his hands towards their face and pressed their lips to his knuckles.

"So you think I'm pretty, huh?" he said, attempting to sound cool, which only made him sound pathetic.

y/n glared at him as he grinned. They sighed heavily and picked their coffee back up.

"Yeah, obviously I do" they said calmly and Ajax laughed, placing a kiss on their forehead.

It was strange to think that it wasn't always like this – there were years when they were lonely, when they shared beds with other, different people, when they didn't love nor even know each other. But y/n had never been so certain of their happiness as they were right now.

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