Alhaitham [comfort]

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also sorri for the lack of spice here - im gonna make up for it soon i promise

For the most part of your life, you've imagined that an agreeable Friday night would consist of going places, seeing people and definitely of making some bad decisions.

Your proof that it was the right way of thinking, was the fact that this was what the movies and books taught you. Life in them always seemed more real and actually worth living. And for better or for worse, you've always terribly wanted to feel like you were actually living and like it mattered.

And that is how you ended up lying on your boyfriend's couch, wearing warm socks and his shirt and watching a movie about chaos theory with him; Not like you understood much in your current silly state of mind - after all, the two bottles of pink wine didn't just empty themselves on their own.

"What are they saying?" you frowned as you realised that you had absolutely no idea what was even happening in the movie anymore.

Alhaitham turned his head towards you and looked at you as if he was considering something in his mind.

"Do you really want to know?" he asked with a slight smile, raising an eyebrow.

You chuckled.

"Not really." You yawned and rubbed your eyes. "But you seem interested by that and I honestly don't get a single thing. So I figured if you understand it and can explain it to me then maybe I will be as excited about that stuff as you are." You shrugged.

Alhaitham gazed at you without a word for a moment. Then, he carefully lifted your hand that he was holding and placed a kiss on your knuckles.

The animation on the screen was throwing colorful lights at his face and made his skin look like a mirrage. Suddenly some vague thought crossed your mind, something about his eyes and the way you could swear you saw a hint of a smile in the corner of his mouth - but you didn't get to the end of that thought as the monotonous voice of the narrator continued his monologue, that idea about Alhaitham escaped you.

It left you with just a pleasant warm feeling in your chest.

"So what did they say?" you asked again, clearing your throat and trying to cover your flustered face.

Alhaitham was keeping his eyes on you and didn't let that blush on your face escape into oblivion. You didn't see that, as you turned you face away, but that hint of a smile from before, now changed into a quick grin.

You raised your eyes to look at him again nut before your eyes could meet he already turned away.

"Nothing interesting, really" he said calmly. "Just meteorology,  physics and lots of mathematics. "

"I see." You yawned again, leaning back on the couch as you felt your head slowly grow heavier. "So that equation is the one they use to get weather forecasts?"

Alhaitham began to explain that yes, but actually no, and that it's much more complex than that and started to tell you everything that he knew about weather forecasts and even dropped some names - at first you wanted to follow his story but soon you felt your eyes close and as much as you wanted to stay up and listen to Alhaitham and watch his face light up, your sleepiness soon took the better of you and without even knowing you drifted away.

Alhaitham smiled softly as your head slipped onto his shoulder. Carefully, he put a blanket over y/n and caressed their flushed cheek. And like on every other Friday night like this, he thought to himself that he couldn't be happier and placed a gentle kiss on y/n's forehead.

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