Kazuha [spicy but not as much as i wish it was]

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bruh i need it to be summer already ;-;


Another night, another party with people you barely knew, another scene to play and a chance to feel a little more alive.
You grown used to big names, flashing lights, deafening music - it was your world, after all.

As you sat by the counter and mindlessly playing with an empty glass in your hand, you felt bizzarely at home but also like a stranger. If asked, everybody around you would say that they loved you, your work, style, vibe or whatever but to be honest did anyone really knew you? They only saw as much as you showed them and how much they wanted - which probably wasn't a lot, considering the fact that people usually were hang-over, drugged or just assholes.
'Something wrong with your drink?' Kaedehara asked in a plain voice. He's been around you the whole evening - as a dutiful bodyguard should.

'It's finished' you smirked. 'But I guess I shouldn't get wasted. What do you think sir?'
Kaedehara raised an eyebrow.

'Oh c'mon' you cried, your smile broadening 'make that responsible face and say the thing.' You sighed as you got no response. 'Please?'

Kazuha sighed quietly, but with a faint smile creeping onto his lips.

'You're so troublesome.'

You laughed under your nose, crossing gazes with him.

He wouldn't back down and neither would you. This game of yours could last for hours, until one of you finally sucummbed. It was tempting to accept the challenge.

'That's why you like me so much, though.' You felt how your fingers tightened around the cold glass as Kazuha smiled calmly but with teasing sparks in his eyes.

'Do I?'

You didn't answer.

Kaedehara followed your each movement with his gaze, making it easier for you to play on his nerves a bit.

You made your way from your stool to eventualy pass by where Kazuha was sitting. Very elegantely, you bumped into an unsuspecting person walking by, and then, perfectly acted a scene of losing your balance.

Kazuha rose up, catching you and pulling way too close, pretending not to know it was all staged for him and letting his hands slide down your back and his fingers to press harder on your skin.

'Whoops' you murmured with a little smile, looking up at Kazuha innocently. 'So clumsy.'
He just shook his head, amused.

'Very subtle.'

You raised your eyebrows jn disbelief.
'Says the one who stares at me the whole night.'

'I'm your bodyguard' he pointed out sensibly. 'You literally pay me so that I always keep my eyes on you, silly.'

You rolled your eyes, leaning on his chest.
He should have let you go by know. He should have but you were so happy that he didn't.

How did it end up being my fault - you thought to yourself.

Kazuha had an incredible talent to corner you with his responces and as annoying as it was, each time he did this, he had that peculiar cold look in his eyes which you enjoyed a little too much.

It was there now as he kept his careful, piercing gaze on you, slowly raising his hand to put a curl of your hair behind your ear and then letting his fingers to gently fall down your face, leaving a burning trace on your skin.

'You're a mess, y/n' he said quietly and you knew that maybe right now it wasn't entierly true but he'd make sure that his words come go life and this thought send shivers down your spine. 'Let's get you home and take care of you. Trust me, I'm quite capable.'

'I know it already.'

'Oh, you don't know everything, dear.'

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