Ayaka [fluff]

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i love candles~ likeeee they smell so nice???

„How do you like it here, y/n?" Ayaka asked you with a cute little smile on her face. She looked like an angel, leaning on one of many cherry trees around you, in her ethereal nightgown and her long white hair waving freely at the wind. Your heart melted and you felt a bit dizzy from this peculiar tenderness that was filling your soul whenever you were near Ayaka.

"It's a beautiful place" you said quietly.

The scenery was idyllic indeed - sweet scent of flowers in the air, their pink petals falling on the ground, ripple of the nearby stream full of water shining like crystal, clear starry sky above you and the full moon - the only witness of your secret rendezvous. It was all so magical and dreamy and a bit unreal but it was all true and your ribs (aching because of your heart pounding widely in your chest) and your cheeks (aching because you had a grin on your face the whole time) were reminding you about it.

Ayaka said nothing - only smiled even brighter and more heavenly.

"Thank you for taking me here" you added, still amazed at how charming everything around you was and more importantly - at how lucky you were to be here with Ayaka. It truly felt like a blessing.

"Sometimes, when I need peace and silence, I come here" you heard her velvet, honeyed and - maybe you only imagined that - slightly sad voice. "I wanted to show it to you. I... I'm very happy you are enjoying yourself".

This time you were the one to say nothing and only give her a smile.

For a moment you two just stood there, not making a sound, not making a move. You, with your feet in the cold water of the stream, and Ayaka, still leaning on the cherry tree, with her eyes closed and her long eyelashes casting shadows on her cheeks. She had a smile on her lips and suddenly you wanted to kiss her. Just because. You wanted to feel the warmth of her skin, you wanted to be bewitched, body and soul, you wanted to feel her lips on yours.

And then, completely out of the blue, Ayaka took a few swift and graceful steps closer to you, making the distance between you fade into nothing and your heart skip a beat. She was smiling as she reached her hand to you.

"y/n" She always spoke your name so carefully, so sweetly, so affectionately. "would you please do me the honour and dance with me?"

You could gaze into her eyes forever, sinking deeper and deeper and losing yourself in the thousands shades of blue, sparkling in the moonlight. Of course, without a second thought you took her hand.

"With pleasure". You wrapped your fingers around hers as she wrapped her fingers around yours and you pulled her closer. She giggled under her breath, blushing and caressing your cheek and you almost died of happiness.

Your paths crossed just for a moment and you both knew that eventually you'll part ways.

But right now you were dancing to the melody of water's stream, wind's whisper and your heartbeats and nothing mattered; There was only you, here and now.

"I only wish life could be as leisurely as this a little more often..." Ayaka lifted her gaze up at the moon. "How greedy of me. And yet all we now have" she sighed "is a moment stolen from the world".

If it was in your power, you would take away all the pain and sadness form her, so that she wouldn't have to suffer anymore. But all you could do, was wipe her tears that started falling down her cheeks, place a gentle kiss on her forehead and hug her more tightly to your chest.

"But even if so, my dear, it is our moment now, isn't it?" you whispered. Ayaka didn't answer. She buried her face in the curve of your neck and snuggled more deeply into your arms.

You felt her heartbeat, heard her breath and melted under a gentle touch of her soft and warm skin brushing against yours.

"I love you, y/n" she whispered into your ear.

You knew that one day the memory will fade - it'll become blurry at first and then, it'll turn into ash. You knew that one day, you won't even remember her face and the sound of her voice. But you hoped - oh, how much you hoped! - that you could keep this peaceful feeling she gave you in your heart, carry it with you everywhere and cherish until your very last breath.

"I love you too, Ayaka".

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