Kaeya [spicy]

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so it was supposed to be a fluff but um-

It was well after the nightfall and you were still wandering through the streets of Mondstadt. You always liked the city better when it was filled with moonlight but also, you didn't want to come back to an empty house. Living on your own was enjoyable but stil,l you couldn't help thinking that it would be nice to have someone waiting for you or someone to wait for.
"Ah, y/n!" You turned around hearing the voice of the one and only Kaeya Alberich. "Good to see you. Although, you know, I'm worried you are here all alone at such hour."
Blue jeans, white shirt - that was enough to make your eyes burn. He didn't wear his usual outfit but obviously he had his high leather boots, eyepatch, jewlery, charming smile and style.
"Hey, Kaeya." You smiled, quietly hoping that he didn't notice the blush that crept into your face. "Thank you for your concerne but really, I can take care of myself just fine."
"I know, I know" the captain sighed. "But say, you are not afraid of the dark, are you?"
You shook your head.
"Hm, that's... interesting." Kaeya seemed a bit disappointed but also intrigued. "You're quite the brave one, aren't you? Anyways, even though you're so self-sufficient, would you maybe agree for me to keep you company?"
Oh, how could you say "no" to this man? When he was looking at you right know, you thought to yourself, that you would do anything for him and ask for nothing in return.
"Well, I should be going home so if you want to walk with me..."
"It would be a pleasure" Kaeya assured you with a grin. Night was definitely his time - he looked gorgeous in the pale moonlight, his long blue hair shining and waving in the wind, smile that conquered so many hearts. And suddenly, as you were walking down some nameless street, you realized that his gaze was fixed at you.
"Um, how was your day?" you asked a bit awkwardly.
"I was helping Albedo" Kaeya sighed. "He needed help with some potions."
You coughed. Those two shared a braincell and were the embodiment of "prepare for trouble&make it double" -Kaeya, with his reckless ideas, and Albedo, supporting him in everything for, as he once put it: "scientific purposes".
"Oh, so you got drunk?" You rose your eyebrows skeptically.
"Nah" Kaeya winced. "I mean, he gave me a bottle of wine as a thanks..."
"...but it was some cheap crap. Honestly, even Diluc's grape juice is better than what I got!"
You laughed and then, out of the blue, you felt a warm touch on your hand. Kaeya interlaced your fingers with his. Your heart skipped a beat, butterflies filled your stomach and blood rushed to your face but neither you said anything and before you knew it, you two stood at your doorstep.
You didn't want him to go and Kaeya didn't want to let go of your hand as he was now playing with your fingers and staring at the ground. Silence between you seemed to last forever.
"Um, would you like to come in?" you asked sheepishly.
"Oh, sure" he said, giving you a crooked smile as he finally lifted his eyes to look at your face.
Your apartament was quite small and when you came in to the hall, you realized that Kaeya was standing so close to you that the only thing you could smell, was cigarettes and his perfume made from sweet exotic flowers. You took a step back, with your hand still in his, but your back soon met the wall.
"Thank you for walking me back" you whispered, not trusting your voice to speak any louder.
Kaeya only smiled, once again playing with your fingers and staring at the ground. Was he blushing? Normally, you would think it was because he was drunk but now... It was not the alcohol that made him look like that.
"Think nothing of it" he said quietly. With an adorable shy smile he took a step closer. You felt your heart racing.
He was close, so close, way too close. Your breath got heavier and your face got even more red when he pressed his lips to your knuckles.
"Ah, so you do feel something for me. And people say my charm is fake." Kaeya seemed pleased with your reaction.
You sighed. Your forehead was on the level of his collarbones so you had to look up to look at his face.
"You are leaping to conclusions" you said with a slight smile.
"Is that so?" Kaeya leaned to you. "But I am right, am I not?"
You laughed and stood on your tippy toes.
"Maybe" you said and kissed him. He tasted like strawberries and cigarettes and his lips were so, so, so soft. And he was gentle. He was holding you in his arms and truly, when he was kissing you, you felt like floating above the clouds.
You felt like going crazy when you had to break a kiss to catch your breath. His hands were now at your hips and yours were around his neck.
"So I am right" Kaeya chuckled, leaning closer to your ear. "You are better than I'd ever imagined" he whispered and you almost died hearing this.
You couldn't think straight. Not with him touching your skin, not with air filled with his perfume, not with the aftertaste of his kiss.
"Hah, look at you, y/n. So cute, so small and so fragile." He smiled into your lips.
You silenced him with a kiss and this time you were not holding back. Kaeya laughed quietly at your sudden behavior but he gave as good he got and let his fantasies unwind as well. He lifted you and you wrapped your legs around his waist, still kissing him.
But that stupid pretty boy just had to be cruel and, rather unexpectedly, broke the kiss.
"Kaeya" you sighed annoyed as he was panting and you felt his heart pounding in his chest.
"My, my, my, how greedy you are" he smirked and you bit your lower lip, while staring at his lips. "Well, this is going to get intresting" he whispered, pressing his lips to yours and this time none of you let go to catch a breath.

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