Scaramouche [enemies to lovers cliché i guess]

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guess who is listening to Scaramouche's new voice lines on repeat all the time and is simping over his voice crack ;-;


It's been a long time since you last saw Scaramouche.

You thought that you were over him. That all the hate was gone. But oh my, could you be more wrong?

Your sword cut the air with a swish, missing the face of the sixth Harbinger just by a hair's breadth. Balladeer managed to jump back in the nick of time.

"I only said 'Good evening', y/n". Scaramouche frowned and then all of a sudden – smiled. "Hah, barely two words in and you already look like you want me dead".

"Well, that's because I do want you dead" you said with simplicity.

Scaramouche rose an eyebrow and sighed with annoyance.

"You're getting all worked up over nothing" he said, looking at you with a little smile.

Somehow, he got on your nerves even more.

Although, he might have been right. You really couldn't remember why you were fighting in the first place and why you wanted to cut his throat so badly. Was it something he'd said? Was it something he'd done? But actually, did you really need a reason to want to beat Scaramouche? No matter – now, you needed to focus and win.

Your next stroke caught Scaramouch off guard but still, he managed to dodge your attack.

"You can do better than that, y/n".

You growled and swung, this time knocking off his huge hat out of his head. It fell on the dirty ground with a swish but Balladeer had no time to waste and be worried about his favourite piece of garment being destroyed.

Dark alley was soon filled with the grind of steel hitting steel. Scaramouche was skilled and so were you. Your heart was racing and you were panting, with adrenaline rushing through your veins. You were swinging, hitting, cutting and giving it your all but it still wasn't enough to take down the Balledeer.

Scaramouche knew your tricks well and you couldn't surprise him that easily. But on the other hand, you knew his dirty tricks – that's why his sword didn't cut you in half when he tried to attack you from aback.

"Why don't you just use your vision's power?" you asked, making a pirouette and blocking his another strike. His blade slid off yours with a creaking grind. "I bet you could easily one-shot me if you wanted to".

Scaramouche laughed under his breath.

"You're underestimating yourself".

You sighed and stroke again but instead of taking your hit head-on, Scaramouche jumped back and hid in the darkness surrounding you.

"You have a weird way of flirting, y/n" he said, luring around you. He was very, very close.

"You're imagining things, Scaramouche" you snarled.

You hated it when he would disappear like that only to then attack you out of the blue. Not that you couldn't take it, no. It was just really annoying.

But this time, instead of jumping out of the dark, Scaramouche slowly walked out of it and started to get closer and closer to you. What was he planning now?

"No. No I am not". He shook his head and looked you in the eyes with all the seriousness. "Oh, c'mon don't deny - you want me, y/n".

"Oh yes, yes. I want you" you agreed. "I already told you that - I want you dead".

Scaramouche laughed, taking step after step closer to you.

"Charming as always".

And the dance of steel began again.

He was the bad guy, the most evil villain of all, he hated you and you hated him but you couldn't help it but admire him when he was on the battlefield. His hair were in complete mess, arms shining with sweat, his face terrifyingly calm. He moved so swiftly and elegantly, always so sure of himself, focused, persistent, the sword in his hands looked as if it moving on its own and Scaramouche seemed to do it all so effortlessly. He was born for it.

You were aware that you probably shouldn't but you loved to see him like that. It felt like witnessing a miracle.

And Scaramouche knew your weaknesses and did not hesitate to make a use out of them.

He didn't miss a chance to strike you with all his strength and make you lose your balance. But before you hit the ground, he caught you and pushed to the wall. He was fast to grab your hands and pin them above your head and you gasped, when he pressed you to the wall with his whole body and put a knife at your throat.

He gazed at you with a peculiar look in his eyes.

"You've changed". He leaned closer to you and smiled softly as if blood wasn't trickling slowly from the cut on your neck. "You're getting weak".

The knife on your throat was ice-cold but you didn't mind. Inside you were burning with rage.

"Can't you just shut the fuck up?" you growled. Balladeer only gave you another smile.

"Make me".

"With pleasure" you said and before he could have made a move, you knocked him to the ground.

He did not see that coming.

His knife fell, he hit the ground and now you were on top of him, pinning him down and putting a knife at his throat.

"And who's weak now, Balladeer?" you asked sweetly.

"So you were just playing around this whole time?" He smirked. "I know better games for us to play".

You winced and said nothing just pressed the knife a bit harder to his neck

"But I must admit" Scaramouche added "I like to be under you".

You were just about to slap him when suddenly as you saw the teasing sparks in his dark eyes and his crooked smile, it hit you – you were addicted to him.

You didn't want it, you didn't want to have your heart at his mercy and feel shivers running down your spine every time he was close but wishes usually don't come true.

"I missed you" you whispered.

You were probably making a mistake letting him to see you with your guard down but right now you didn't care at all.

Scaramouche sighed and his face softened. Carefully, making sure you would try to kill him once again, he got his hands out of your grip and took the knife away from his neck. You didn't make a move and emboldened by this, Scaramouche lifted himself back up, so that he was seating and facing you.

"Don't worry, my dear. This time I'm going to stick around for much, much longer" he said quietly, slowly caressing your cheek as you pressed your face to his hand. "You won't get rid of me that easily" he whispered, pressing his forehead to yours and bringing your faces so close that your lips were brushing against each other. You felt his fastened breath, heard his pounding heart and saw his burning gaze. "And the next time I'm gone, I'm taking you with me, y/n".

You didn't know why but something in his eyes made you think that he was telling the truth.

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