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he feels like 1989 and Reputation secret love child  (face - reputation, heart&soul - 1989) and i know i am right.

this one is for 

hope you'll enjoy it<3


„How's my favourite partner in crime doin'?" Heizou jumped out of his car with open arms and a beaming smile. The street was almost empty, except for a few cars covered in snow and street lanterns, with their flickering, yellowish light. Houses looked like from a gingerbread village with their roofs sprinkled with snowflakes like with sugar, stood firmly and quietly alongside the pavements and stared at the clouded, night sky. Behind almost every window's curtains, there were lights on and you could almost feel the warmth.

"Better, now that you're here." You placed a kiss on the top of his nose and wanted to go, but Heizou was quick to catch you in his embrace.

"Not so fast" he murmured, as he buried his face in the curve of your neck and hugged you tightly. "I missed you."

"Idiot." You rolled your eyes. "We literally saw each other this morning" you sighed but deep down, you were as much of an idiot as he was. You missed him too, although you would never admit it. Heizou's ego was high enough as it was now – there was no need for it to grow any more.

You loved how he seemed to always have his spirits up and be like a little sparkle of light. Sometimes you thought that you yourself were made to be grounded in the reality and be bounded with those mundane every-day tasks and Heizou, with his brightness and carelessness was exactly who you needed not to go mad. When you looked at him right now, you thought he knew that full-damn well.

If it was anyone else, you probably would be over-thinking and worrying, whether you are not a burden or just a bother but with him everything was easy and you didn't have to say anything – you felt he understood what you meant, even without complicated explanations.

"Geez, why are you always so cold-hearted?" he cried. "And why does your hair smell so nice? Why, y/n? What for?"

"Cuz you like it" you answered with simplicity and an innocent smile, pulling yourself out of his arms.

Heizou sighed with annoyance, grabbing your hand and pulling you back in.

You gasped, as you almost lost your balance and fell right onto Heizou's chest – or maybe, more accurately - right back into his arms. He smirked and you giggled, trying to hide your embarrassed, blushing face behind a curtain of hair. It was very comfortable to just be here with him and don't care about anything in the world. You thought, you wouldn't mind staying like it forever. Not if it was with him.

"I missed you" you said quietly.

"I know." He placed a delicate kiss on the top of your head. You looked up at him and before Heizou even got a chance to say anything, you kissed him. A bit desperately and maybe you put a little bit too much of yourself and your lost thoughts, love, pain and soul into it but you didn't care. Not if it was with him.

Heizou liked to think of himself as a light-headed, free spirit and other people seemed to like to think so as well. But it all was just an idea he had of himself and an idea he sold skilfully to others. It was tiring and the charm was wearing off with time but with you he didn't even have to try and be someone he didn't feel like. All felt so natural and genuine and although he tended to drift away sometimes (very often, actually) and become unbearable with the constant enthusiasm (which he sometimes - very often, actually – faked), and you, with your patience you had for him and love was exactly who he needed not to go mad. When he looked at you right now, he thought you knew that full-damn well.

"C'mon" Heizou shook off that peculiar feeling he started to get. He liked it very, very much, but he feared, he might like it so much, that his plans for the evening will go to shit and he didn't want to see that happening. "y/n it's freezing."

"It is" you agreed, in this particular moment noticing, that your gloves were not the most reliable piece of clothing, because your fingers were stiff and you couldn't feel even them. "Like hell it is!"

Heizou laughed, as you run to the car and then shivered inside, hugging affectionately a mug of hot chocolate he got for you on his way to pick you up.

"Thank you, dear" you said sweetly, still hugging a warm mug "You're the best."

"I know." Heizou laughed, sitting behind the wheel.

"Wait, wait!" you cried, when you noticed he was about to start a car. "Just a moment, please! I know how you drive and I won't risk my life trying to drink at the same time as you manoeuvre on roundabouts."

"But if we don't go we'll be late" he whined.

"Late where?" you asked with a frown, taking a sip of your hot chocolate. "Heizou?"

"You'll know when we get there" he said as if it was an explanation. "Trust me, you'll love it. I promise" he said with a beaming smile and what were you to do? You trusted him obviously.

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