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i chopped off half of my hair and now i look like albedo lmao

"And it's done" you anounced proudly as you put the last piece of hair into the braid. "How do you feel?"

Albedo turned around to look at you.
"I... Normal?" He shrugged.

"Aw, no special sparks of feelings you never knew before? Bummer."

"My godness you're so silly sometimes" he sighed, shaking his head. "Thank you for braiding my hair, y/n." He leaned towards you and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.

"The pleasure is all mine" you giggled, bowing jokingly with your hand on your heart as Albedo wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer.

"Silly" he murmured burrying his face in your hair.

Warm spring wind swirled around you, bringing a fresh sea breeze and sakura flowers petals. Moon was bright tonight and there was nothing left to do but stay on the balcony and gaze at the stars in peace.
Klee after a whole day of adventures was fast asleep and it was quite a relief to know, that at least till tomorrow morning, you won't have to run after her, desperately trying not to lose her from sight.

The thing about both Albedo and Klee, was that it was almost impossible to keep up with them - with him intelectually, in his strain of thoughts, and with her physically, because it seriously seemed like she had no limits when it came to running and comitting arson.

"It's nice" Albedo suddenly said.

"You mean this or our vacation in general?"

You looked up at his face and he only smiled.

"Take a guess."

You rolled your eyes.

"I like it too" you answered after a moment.
"Although it's kinda weird."

"How so?"

You sighed, pressing your cheek to Albedo's chest.

"Well, every time we meet something dramatic or dangerous or just completely out of the ordinary happens. And this time? It's just... Nice."

Albedo gave your words a thought.

"Yeah, it would seem that we're quite a leathal force" he smirked.

You rolled your eyes.

"Well yes but actually no. We always get some kind of a happy ending, didn't you notice?"

"I guess you're right." He nodded slowly. "Kinda cliché, don't you think? To always have things to work out at the end, one way or another."

"I like happy endings, though."

"Of course you do."

"And it's even funnier when you think about the fact that you're kind of a prince and I'm a fearless hero fighting dragons and saving nations" you laughed under your nose.

"So you're saying that it's been meant to be?" Albedo frowned with a smile hidden in the corners of his mouth. "Like in some kind of fairytale?"

"Guess so" you shrugged.

Albedo smiled at you gently. He brushed his fingertips againt your chin, slightly lifting your face to look at him.

"Good." He leaned closer to you, gazing into your eyes. "Main characters always end up together in these kind of stories so it's wonderful news we're both stuck in these circumstances, I must admit."

"Silly." You shook your head with a smile.

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