Diluc [fluff]

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so yea
i hope you'll like this one <3
(check out the playlist it's awesomeee)

Slowly but surely the tavern was becoming more and more empty. The hour was late and you really should get going as well but...
First of all, you didn't come to the tavern tonight to get drunk. You had other motives and their name was "Diluc".
The only problem was, that the evening was coming to an end and you still hadn't made your move. Every time when you felt just brave enough to talk to him, somehow, when he was passing you and giving you a friendly smile, you were losing your ground and your confidence. That said, the only thing that you actually managed to do, was keeping your eyes on Diluc and hoping that he would notice you. But he was busy running from one costumer to another and it was quite impossible that he would care about someone staring at him.
"Hey, y/n" Suddenly your heart skipped a beat as you heard Diluc's voice and felt his breath on your neck. "How do you do?"
Such a trivial question and yet, you felt your stomach fill with butterflies. Oh, how siily you were.
"Thank you, Master Diluc, I'm fine" you said, trying to sound unbothered. "How about you?"
"Well" he had his gaze fixed on you and he was smiling sligthly "I noticed you were looking at me for most of the evening so I just wanted to ask you, of there was something wrong with my face."
You felt how your cheeks started burning.
So he caught you staring. Well, quite embarassing but still, you were presented with a chance to talk to him.
You thought yourself to be rather pathetic but ot didn't matter.
"Oh, sorry about that" you said with your face more and more red. "There's nothing wrong, I just..."
The door slammed behind the last costumers.
You and Diluc were now all alone.
"Don't apologize, dear" said the redhead man, looking straight into your eyes. "It's very sweet of you to give me so much of your attention."
You blushed even more but Diluc didn't seem to notice.
"Well then, y/n, I think you should get going. It's getting late." he said but after a second he added: "Actually, no, it's too late for you to go alone. Could you wait for a moment please? I will walk you back home, okay?"
You nodded, absolutely speechless.
After a while Diluc was finally ready to go.
"Shall we?" He offered you his arm and just like that you two left the tavern and started walking down the streets of Mondstadt. The night was quiet and it was so empty everywhere.
"I... Thank you. And I'm sorry for the trouble" you said, suddenly remembering that you hadn't spoken and Diluc must have seen you as ungreatful. The truth was you were just nervous.
"y/n, why are you sorry? It's a pleasure for me, really."
You blushed, hoping he wouldn't notice that.
Finally, you made it to your doorstep and itnwas time to part ways.
You couldn't help but admire how beautifully Diluc looked like in the moonlight. His smile, usually absolutely breathtaking, now felt like something out of a dream, his bright long hair seemed like flames and his sparkling eyes... Having him so close to you felt too good to be true. When you were looking at him for some reason you felt safe and even if the world was to end here and now, it would be fine.
"y/n?" You realized that Diluc was talking to you the whole time. "Is everything alright?"
"Oh, um, of course." you assured him. 'Sorry I just..."
"y/n, don't apologize. There's nothing to apologize for, believe me."
"You can't stop me" you said, looking him in the eyes.
Diluc just sighed.
"And now you want to rebel, darling?"
You giggled.
"Maybe." Somehow you forgot about all the nervousness and shyness of yours and you just enjoyed the moment. "What's wrong with that?"
"It's better if you listen, y/n" he said and you chuckled.
"Well I don't really feel like it." You shrugged. "Although, I think it all depends on who I'm listening to."
"Oh?" Diluc rose his eyebrow, smiling.
You said nothing and just smiled as well.
"Thank you for walking me back" you broke the silence aftar a long, very long moment.
"You're welcome" answerd Diluc, biting his lower lip. For quite some time he had his gaze at your lips and you knew that. It made you feel dizzy and...Happy.
"y/n, I..." he wanted to say something but he couldn't.
You gave him a grin, caressing his cheek and kissed him.
It was really selfish and you knew it but you terribly wanted to have his soft sweet warm lips on yours forever.

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