Kuki Shinobu [spicy]

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i support women's rights but most importantly i support women's wrongs<3


To say that you weren't in your right mind when you showed up at a certain doorstep, was a little bit of an understatement.

You didn't know what you were expecting when you decided to come here. To be honest you weren't exactly thinking - it was more of an impulse to pay a visit the most... intriguing woman you ever knew.

You knocked on the door lightly and in no time Kuki Shinobu, the legend of Inazuma's streets opened up and as she saw you, her face went from slight shock to a well hidden amusement. Her eyes were pinning you down with curiosity.

'Hi' you cleared your throat. 'Hope I'm not disturbing...'

'No, no. Don't worry.' Kuki raised an eyebrow, looking at you from head to toes. In this moment you wished you knew where were her thoughts running right now. 'My, you never cease to amaze me' she laughed and shook her head. 'Well, don't stand like this. You're gonna catch a cold and we wouldn't want that.'

She opened the door wider, making room for you.

'Thanks.' You smiled at her and she said nothing.

The mask covering her nose, lips and jaw really made it hard to read Kuki's mind. All you could do, was follow her deeper into the house, try to play your cards right and hope, that she'll be feeling generous enough not to cheat in your little game.

You got to the living room and obviously the first thing this marvelous woman did, was head straight to the bar.

'So what leads you here in the middle of the night, y/n?' she asked in a bored voice but still gazing at you attentively as she poured you a glass of wine. 'Some business to take care of?'

'You could say that.' You took the glass from her, innocently brushing your fingers against her hand, as endured the sharp, cold look of her eyes. 'Thanks.'

Kuki nodded and poured herself some wine as well.

You sat down on the couch, with your back turned to Shinobu. Why every goddamn time you came here it felt as if you had to earn her attention? She'd kick you out, if she didn't want to see your face but she had that habit of making people fight tooth and nail, only to get one favorable look from her.

'I didn't think you'd come.' Shinobu leaned on the backing of the couch, just so that her chin rested right next to your head.

You gave her a side look. Her green hair was a little messy and single strands were falling onto her forehead. You extended your free hand and gently brushed them away and just as your fingers were slipping down, quite accidentally of course, you hooked them up against her mask and in one swift move you took it off.

Kuki smiled a tiny, little, beautiful bit, closing her eyes.

'Oh really?' you asked quietly, raising your eyebrows as your thumb was drawing arabesques on her jaw.

She giggled.

'No.' Her hand slowly caressed your check, sliding down to jaw and eventually - throat. 'You're quite predictable, honey.'

Shinobu jumped over the couch and sat next to you with a sly smile on her face.

'You won't need this' she said, as she took a glass still full of wine out of your hand and put it away.

Your fingers that were only brushing against her arm, now gripped tighter around it and you pulled her closer to you, with another hand sliding from her waist to her thigh, and moving her to your lad. Kuki didn't mind. She never did.

She pretended to lose balance and fell onto your chest, pressing her face to the curve between your neck and shoulder, leaving a few kisses there and travelling lower, to your collarbones.

'It was good, though' you sighed, leaning your head back and entangling your fingers with her hair and letting you other hand to slyly sneak under her shirt and leave traces on her soft skin.

'I thought you liked me better than my cheap wine' she growled and bit your skin and then leave a tender kiss on it, as your fingers scratched her back.

You put your hand out of her hair and moved it to her chin, raising it, so that she was facing you. Kuki grinned, moving her hips and pressing them harder against yours.

'I'm having my doubts' you said quietly as she leaned toward you.

You could feel her breath against your skin and her hand catching yours and pinning it down.

'Then let me change your mind.' She brushed her lips against your ear. 'For good.'

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