Beidou [spicy]

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this woman-

You felt the wind in your hair and the sun on your face as you closed your eyes, enjoying the ride through an empty road right next to the ocean. Beidou called you unexpectedly that afternoon and proposed to go on a little trip to nowhere. You agreed; How could you not?
You two shared many secrets.
So many unspoken words, so many little smiles that brought butterflies to life and got hearts racing. Stolen kisses, hands brushing against each other when you thought nobody was looking, secret glances, phonecalls at midnight, meetings in hotel rooms and all the nights mainly made for saying things that you can't say tomorrow day.
When Kazuha first introduced you to his friend Beidou, you wouldn't have thought you and the beautiful mysterious woman would end up like that.
Of course you had heard stories about her before. Everybody had. She was a walking legend, always getting what she wanted, reckless, ready for everything and breaking hearts.
"Be careful" Kazuha said once, when he noticed your blush after Beidou spoke to you.
You nodded. Of course you didn't want him to worry about you but to be honest you really couldn't care less if Beidou was to hurt you, wreck you and shatter you into piece. You knew she would eventually break your heart but you didn't mind. You would die just to make her proud.
Her sunkissed face, long black hair waving freely in the wind, her eyes shining, long lashes casting a shadow at her cheeks and her lips like cherries - that was enough to make your heart pounding and your thoughts go wild.
Beidou was smiling sligthly all the time as she was driving. The view at the ocean beside the road was breathtaking but you had your eyes fixed on her in quiet admiration. You didn't dare to say anything.
"Do you want to stop here?" Beidou asked suddenly.
You liked riding in her car with her, you liked the speed and how Beidou's eyes sparkled when she drove, so free and happy but you would much rather have all her attention just for yourself.
She stopped her car on the edge of a cliff, with waves crashing somewhere down. With a quiet sigh, you got out and sat next to Beidou on the hood of her car, pretending to be terribly intrested in the setting sun that painted the sky red. Almost as red as your cheeks.
"Hey, y/n?"
"Yes?" You turned your head to look at Beidou and she pulled you closer and kissed you passionately. You run your fingers through her soft hair, pulling them a bit. Beidou was now in front of you and she put her hands at your sides, pinning  you to the hood. You felt dizzy and all that you could think about was how close she was, how warm her skin was and how sweet her lips were. Beidou all of a sudden broke the kiss and with a crooked smile which you loved so much, she began placing kisses on your jaw. Then, when you thought it couldn't get any better, she went down to your neck and her lips got more greedy. Almost as a vampire, she was sucking up all of your common sense and decency.
She made you so weak and all you could do, was whisper her name under your breath.
"Tell me y/n" said Beidou, her eyes burning and gazing at your face. "Do you have any desires? Is there anything that you want?"
You felt her fingers slipped under your shirt and her lips were now brushing against yours. You had your hands on her neck and your mind was going crazy.
"You. I want you" you whispered, looking Beidou straight in the eyes.
She laughed quietly into your lips.
"Well then, your wish is my command" she said softly and kissed you with her sweet cherry lips.

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