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this pov was cowritten by this fine gentleman:

this pov was cowritten by this fine gentleman:

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and this fine lady:

 and this fine lady:

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Another night on the road, another hotel room, another place to leave and forget.
You and Scaramouche had mission together.
Obviously, you knew it was no coincidence that the sixth Harbinger was working with you more than often. But you played clueless.
Scaramouche was an asshole - everybody knew it. His words, his gaze, the sound of his name alone made people want to die. He never let a chance to be harsh slip through his fingers and that was perfectly fine with you. He didn't go easy on you. He had certain expectation when it came to people he was working with and you knew that it was do or die - you would either satisfy him or he would end you.
But Scaramouche seemed to be pleased with you. He never said that into your face but apparently in one of his reports he mentioned your "unique skills and extraordinary talents". You found it to be absolutely hilarious.
Scaramouche liked to mock you whenever he got a chance but when he once heard somebody making jokes about you that somebody later dissapeared in mysterious circumstances.
You found to be a bit suspicious.
When you had your first job with Scaramouche, everybody warned you about how awful he is, how cruel, how terrifying and even, that he is a psycho, a freak and an actual demon. Summarizing: you had to be careful because you were dealing with the devil. And yet, when you met him for the first time, Scaramouche turned out to be quite... Normal. Sure, he was really powerful, looked like death and treated everybody equaly (that is - like a piece of crap) but you expected someone more frightening. And he didn't bother to throw any thunderbollts or lighting. He just asked you about your favourite drink.
"I like coffee" you said, not understanding where this conversation was even going.
Anyway since then, Scaramouche would always bring you coffee when you two had an appointment.
You wanted to pay him back but anytime you mentioned it, he would just say something like "So pathetic" or "Do you think I need your money?" with an absoulute disgust on his pretty face.
You thought nothing of it because Scaramouche was regurally stealing your cookies (of course you pretended that you saw nothing and he pretended to believe that he took your sweets unnoticed). Sometimes, like for example now, you were catching yourself thinking about his little smiles he was trying to hide, about these times he accidently brushed his skin against yours, about how cute and happy he looked when he was petting cats, about the shadows his lashes were casting over his cheeks, about the way stars reflected in his eyes, so blue, dark and sad.
You shook your head trying to get rid of those thoughts. You were being silly.
It was nice to lie to yourself and imagine that under those rude comments, bitterness, sarcasm, disgust looks and all that, there was a sweet little boy, maybe with a broken heart, who was kind, soft or whatever. Scaramouche was Scaramouche.
But you couldn't help but think about him with just a little bit of warm feelings. He was kind of nice to you. You didn't knew him, and yet, you knew about him way too much to hate him.
Suddenly you heard knocking at your door.
"Oh, Scaramouche". You were surprised to find the very person you were just thinking about at your doorstep. "Something happened? You know, it's late and I need my beauty sleep, so..."
"I..." Scaramouche seemed flustered. "It's nothing, sorry for bothering you. I'll better go".
"Oh no, no, no". You laughed. "Now I'm curious. If you don't tell me what brought you here, I probably won't fall asleep tonight". Scaramouche gazed at you, obviously thinking about something. "Tell me then, what is it?"
"First, could you please tell me one thing?"
"Sure". You shrugged, trying to hide how intrigued you really were.
"y/n, do you... How do you feel about me, y/n?"
You frowned
As your eyes met his at this moment, thousands of butterflies suddenly came to life and as your heart skipped a beat when Scaramouche gaze slipped for a second to your lips, you realized that you knew the answer.
It was now or never.
"What kind of answer do you want?" you asked quietly.
"An honest one".
You nodded, taking a step closer to him.
"Very well then" you said, leaning closer to his lips.
Scaramouche didn't dare to make a move and a slight smile crept into your face, when you placed a gentle kiss on his lips.
"Does that answer satisfy you?" you asked.
"Ah, yes but" Scaramouche gave you a sly smile "actually not really".
"Oh?" You rose your eyebrow. "How so?"
Scaramouche took a step closer to you and you took a step back, with an amused look.
"Anyway, you still haven't tell me what brought you here". Scaramouche just rolled his eyes and and it seemed that he wanted to say something but instead, he just pulled you closer and pressed his lips to yours. He tasted like a cotton candy and his body, pressed to yours, was so warm, almost burning. He was gentle and was touching your skin so delicately and yet, you ended up pinned to the wall, out of your breath and mind. You kind of hope that this moment will never end.
"Are you satisfied with that answer, y/n?" he asked.
You gave him a grin, playing with a lock of his hair.
Scaramouche rose his eyebrow, as he was caressing your cheek.
He was gazing ar you with sparkling eyes.
"Well then, I have to make sure you're pleased and satisfied, don't I?"

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