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oui oui baguette fontaine made me wanna learn french again :||

also give ur honest opinion pls if u think i should:

1)  build hydro traveler

2) pull Neuvillette 

3) build ayato

The usual bustle of Fontaine's port was slowly dying down as sun drew nearer the horizon.

The waters were stained with a reflection of skies sparkling with reddish afterglow. You were sitting on the stone stairs, gazing at the view before you. Finally, after a long day, there was nowhere to go and nothing to do. Your thoghts wandered aimlessly away from you.

That was probably why you didn't notice a shadow of a person approaching you nor did you hear their steps. So when you felt heavy, yet delicate hand on your shoulder, you jumped in your seat, turning around to see who was standing behind you.

A smile crept onto your face, when your eyes met a worried gaze of none other but Neuvillette.

"I apologize" he cleared his throat a bit awkwardly, quickly taking away his hand from your shoulder. You really wished he hadn't have done that. "I didn't mean to startle you."

"No, I..." You shook your head, feeling your heart melt as you noticed his repentant expression. "You didn't. Don't worry about it."

Neuvillette furrowed his brows slightly but his face and posture relaxed.

"Oh, I see." He nodded slowly.

You stayed in silence for a while.

"You don't have  any business to attend to, do you now?" you asked him and Neuvillette shook his head.

"It is nothing that cannot be put on hold for the time being" he informed.

You nodded, trying to cover up a beaming smile forming on your lips.

"Want to join me?" You offered a spot next to you.

Neuvillette looked at you, at the stairs and back at you.

"Of course." He carefully took a step close and lowered himself to take the place beside you.

Neuvillette sat close to you. So close that you could feel the warmths of his skin. So close that your shoulders were brushing.

So close that if you turned your heads, your lips would touch.

"I came by your office earlier and your secretary said you were out on business" you said just to fill up the air with some noise. "That's why I thought you were busy."

"I'm really not." He leaned his elbow on his thigh and rested his chin on the palm of his hand. "I went out to look for you, actually." His eyes turned towards you but escaped your gaze swiftly. "However I didn't want the melusins to pry too much, so I just told them it was about business" he explained.

You raised your eyebrows.

"Why were you looking for me, though?" You blinked in confussion, looking at his side profile. He seemed calm, his eyes reflecting the waters' colors and his features sharpened by the light of the setting sun. "Did something happen?"

"No, not particularly." He turned to face you. "I just wanted to see you."

Your eyes locked for what seemed like an eternity, before you nodded slowly, and turned away, feeling your cheeks burn with hot blood.

"What about you?" Neuvillette asked suddenly. "You came by my office looking for me as well" he pointed out. "Was there any reason for that?"

"I don't know." You shrugged, still refusing to look at him and pretending to watch the boats disappearing beyond the horizon. "I guess I wanted to see you."

You could have sworn that in this moment, a light chuckle slip Neuvillette's lips.

"Well, in that case" he sighed and you heard the smile behind his voice "since we met each other after all, we could say that fate is on our side and our wishes have been granted."

"That's a nice way to look at it" you agreed. "So what do you think fate is holding for us in the future?"

Your eyes met again but this time, neither of you wanted to look away.

"You shouldn't fully rely on fate, when choosing how to live your life." He shook his head with grave seriousness, the sun and your face reflecting in his eyes. "It should be you who makes the final decision."

You raised a corner of your mouth.

"In that case" you spoke again, your eyes fixed on his. "What decisions do you choose to make, Neuvillette?"

You could feel his hand touch your neck and caress it slowly, moving up to your cheek and pressing against it.

"y/n" Neuvillette's voice was quiet but there was the same longing in it, as there was in his gaze.

"What is it?" You ran your fingers through his silky hair and pressing the palm of your hand to the back of his head.

"Kiss me." His throat sounded hoarse and dry, like he hadn't drunk for days, like his thirst was killing him. The look in his eyes were even more desperate. "Please."

You smiled slightly, extending your free hand towards his face and resting it on his cheek. Neuvillette grasped your wrist, resting his head on your palm, his eyes closing.

You leaned towards him slowly and carefully, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead. You wanted to back away but he was quick to pull you towards himself, lifting you up by your waist and sitting you on his lap.

He didn't let go off your hand as he pressed his lips against yours, making you lose your breath.

"Neuvillette..." His escaped your lips and his fingers tightened around your hip and pulled you in closer onto him. 

He was taking it slow, with full confidence, taking control of your every move. His lips were soft and tasted like salt, and his hands, although gentle, were holding you firmly.

If he allowed you, you'd stay like that forever. And feeling him under you, you were sure he would want to have you only for himself for as long as he could.

"I missed you" Neuvillette whispered into your lips, kissing them again.

"I can tell." You ran your fingers through his hair again but his hand caught yours and locked it in a grasp. 

Neuvillette smiled and pulled your hand towards his lips, to leave a gentle kiss on your nuckles.


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