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im so so sorri for not writing for a while :((

i was tired and also tired and also didn't feel like doing anything with my life but also i was trying to get my brain to produce happy chemicals so i spend a lot of time watching depressing series and i think i'm doing a great job but yea that's not exactly the point :D

anyways i hope you'll enjoy this one x

Saturday morning woke you up with the smell of pancakes and the hum of the kettle. You still felt sleepy, even though you could already see sunlight breaking into the room through the blinds. The sheets were warm and cosy and a quiet voice from the deepest nook of your head was whispering that maybe, just maybe, you could stay in bed for a bit longer. It wouldn't hurt anybody, would it? Just ten more minutes and then another, and another, and maybe five more...

You knew this dirty trick all too well and in any other circumstances you would have fallen for it – but not this time.

Gathering all the willpower you had, you rolled out of bed and without giving it much thought, went to the kitchen only to find Albedo bustling around.

"Morning" you greeted him with your sleepy voice, yawning.

"Ah, y/n. You're already up". Albedo smiled at you, flipping pancakes on the pan. "Did you sleep well?"

You nodded, taking a stool and moving it next to the cupboard to get your favourite mug from a very inconveniently placed spot. With the mug in hand, you made your way to the coffeepot and poured yourself as much coffee as you could without spilling it.

"You have no idea how happy I'm to know, that I'm not the only one with a coffee addiction in this house" Albedo smirked, gazing at you.

"I'm not addicted". You rose your chin with dignity. "It's just... It's... It's early" you said.

"It's twelve, honey".

You didn't want to admit defeat, so you just poured yourself another mug of coffee and pretended to be very busy with empting it.

Albedo just shook his head with a little smile that crept in his face.

"Well, anyways" you said, putting the mug away and trying to drive Albedo's attention away from caffeine. "Can I help you with anything?"

"What do you mean?" He frowned.

"Um, maybe take the dishes out form the dishwasher, find a jar of jam, set the table... Something like that".

"I did it already" Albedo said.

"Oh". You thought, that it would be nice to have your mug in your hands right now and take a sip of coffee, because you were out of ideas what to say. "So maybe I'll keep an eye on these bad boys?" You pointed at the pancakes.

"No need" Albedo assured you calmly. "I'll deal with those 'bad boys' and you can just enjoy your coffee, okay? You don't always have to do everything" Albedo sighed, seeing your doubtful gaze. "You deserve having time off and a chance to just let go and relax and I'm going to make sure you get it all, whether you like it or not, you silly".

You bit your lower lip, trying to hide a smile.

"Thanks" you murmured flustered.

"That's what I'm here for, y/n" Albedo said and you didn't really know why but something about the way he spoke those words and the way he looked at you at this very moment, made you feel... good. Just good. And nothing else.

That was so rare and precious and you hoped that you could keep this feeling with you forever.

You took a step closer to him and placed a quick kiss on his cheek and wanted to back off but Albedo grasped your hand and pulled you closer, with a mischievous smile. Your heart fastened, when he leaned to you, so that you could feel his breath on your skin and brushed his fingers against your neck. Albedo was surely taking his time but you didn't want to be kept waiting and just pulled him into a kiss.

He tasted like that black bitter coffee you were both drinking and the touch of his lips send shivers down your spine. His hands found their way to the back of your neck and then to your lower back. You were too much into this to go back. The kiss started so innocently but now you were burning. Albedo grabbed you firmly by the hips and lifted you, so that you sat on the counter. You had your legs wrapped around his waist and you were almost out of breath but you didn't want to stop. You put your whole self into this one kiss and you could have sworn that with each second he was holding you in his arms you were becoming less and less broken and empty and at some point you almost found yourself in the mess he'd made of you.

"y/n?" Albedo suddenly pulled away from the kiss. He was as breathless as you were and knowing that you were the reason he was a blushing mess felt really, really good.


"The pancakes are burning" he said quietly and just taking a breath in made you realize that he was right.

"Oh shit" you let him go, flustered, but Albedo just took the pancakes off the pan and put them on a plate, as if nothing had happened.

And as you watched him putting on new pancakes on the pan and drinking coffee, you thought to yourself that for (and with) him, you could even fall in love with life and maybe even be happy. But for now, you had pancakes and coffee and the whole day for yourselves and that was more than enough.

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