Childe [spicy?]

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my new classmates are so horny istg

future looks bright :D


The city below was glowing in the night so brightly as the sun itself.

You stood on the balcony, with your hands on the balustrade, looking down at the world with a slight smile. Your one word and all of it could go up in flames.

The curtains rippled in the wind and the cold touch on the back of your neck made you shiver.

"Hello there, y/n" you heard from behind.

"Hello, Childe" you answered, trying to stay composed and unbothered. Having his fingertips brushing against your skin wasn't exactly helpful but you didn't mind. "What brings you here at such late hour? Do you need anything?"

You turned around to face him and Tartaglia only smiled putting his other hand on your throat.

"Hm, what do you think I need, y/n?" he whispered, leaning closer to you.

You rose your eyebrow, playing clueless.

"I don't know" you said. "You have to tell me. I can't read your mind, you know".

Childe laughed, taking a step forward. You took a step back.

"Liar". He smiled, taking another step forward as you backed away again and again and again, until your back was pressed to the pillar. Childe hands were still around your neck and his grip was becoming slightly firmer with every second just as he was getting more impatient. "Aren't you scared of lying to me, y/n? You've seen what I do with those who are stupid enough to mess with me. Don't you think I'll do the same to you? You want me to punish you?"

You gave him an amused look.

"I would like to see you try".

Childe laughed again.

"But be honest now, y/n" he said, leaning to you "do I terrify you? You've seen more of me than anybody else, dear. You've seen everything and you know everything. You know I'm a cruel monster, a murderer, a merciless devil. You've seen what I did just to stand on the top of the world, y/n". Childe brushed his lips against your earlobe. "Doesn't it disgust you to be touched by hands stained with blood? Don't my sins make you want to run?"

This time you were the one who laughed.

"Is that your answer?" Tartaglia was now looking into your eyes, with fire burning in his. His cheeks covered with a blush, his red hair waving at the wind, his chest rising and falling rapidly, his parted lips so close to yours and his hands sliding down your body from your neck to your hips – it all made you dizzy and you have almost gone crazy. He was in your power and you he would do anything for you – you just had to ask.

The whole world might have be at his feet but at the end of the day, you were the one he was kneeling before.

"Maybe I can save you from your sins" you whispered, pressing your lips to his.

"Maybe". Childe's kisses slid to your jaw, neck and he pulled you closer, as he got to your collarbone. A slight moan escaped from your lips when between gentle kisses, he suddenly bit your skin. "But who will save you?"

Your heart pounded in your chest.

"I don't need to be rescued" you said.

"Oh is that so?". A crooked smile crept into Childe's face as he started to slowly unbutton your blouse, while gazing you straight into the eyes. "Then tell me, what is that you need? One word and it's yours".

You smiled as you pressed your hand to his cheek, brushing your fingers against his soft skin.

"And what do you think I need, Ajax?"

Childe pinned you to the pillar and you noticed how he shivered when you spoke his name.

"I don't know. You have to tell me. I can't read your mind, you know".

"Liar" you whispered into his lips and you kissed him as if it was the first time you touched and as if you wanted to make him yours forever.

But you didn't have to worry about that – he already gave himself away to you at the very moment he met you and even if you were to be his downfall, he would gladly let you ruin him if it would bring a smile to your beautiful face.

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