Albedo [fluff]

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so i wrote a pov listening to another great playlist (honestly, writing with good music is so cool) and yea, it's a bit long but i hope you'll have fun reading it <3


The morning was chilly, two mugs of coffee in your hands were warm and you were nervous. It was really, really early and the birds have just started their concert and here you stood, in the middle of the garden, looking for Albedo. You wanted to share a quiet, peaceful moment with him, a moment which you could then keep in your memory and cherish when he'll be gone.

You saw him - sitting on a table, with his feet on the ground, pieces of paper lying next to him as he was sharpening his pen. He seemed so dreamy when he was there in the morning fog, with sunlight dancing around him and with those fair hair of his, calm expression on his face and a smile. When you were looking at him at this particular moment, you began to have second thoughts. It was such a silly idea to come here and to imagine that Albedo would actually want to spend time with you right now.

You were just about to turn around and walk away, when you heard his voice calling you:

"y/n!" Albedo noticed you in the distance "What a surprise!"

Now you had no choice but to come to where he was. You lost all the remains of your cool you'd had just moments ago. It always happened when you were next to Albedo. All the composure, the common sense - you were losing them the second he was close to you.

"What are you doing here at such an early hour, my dear?" he asked gazing at you with curiosity.

Your heart stopped.

What were you supposed to say? The truth? That you woke up earlier just to make coffee for you two and spend the whole morning with him all alone? That you wanted to just be with him, here and now? Could you really say all that?

"Um, I made coffee" you said, turning all red.

"I see" Albedo was looking at you with amusement. You could tell by the look in his eyes that he knew your real reason, he sure did.

But he just smiled and said nothing.

"I... I made yours without sugar or milk. Just a bit of vanilla" you said when you handed him one of the mugs.

"You remembered" Albedo whispered amazed, tasting the coffee you made for him. "Thank you, dear, it is delicious. You are a precious treasure" he said and gave you a grin.

You couldn't turn your eyes away from his face to look at the sun but you knew it was rising higher and higher, as well as hopes in your heart when you saw Albedo's beautiful smile.

You sipped your coffee while you felt your heart racing and bruising your ribs, and the butterflies filled your stomach as you noticed that Albedo was looking at you. The silence between you was more meaningful then any words you could say. You hoped it would stay like that forever.

"y/n, tell me, would you mind if I draw a sketch of you?" Albedo asked suddenly.

To your surprise, you realized that he was blushing.

Quite weird, considering all the things you have heard about him - that he was taciturn, always extremely serious, emotionless even.

But when you thought about it for a bit, you realized that when he was with you, he was always smiling, talking about his experiments, books he was reading, places he visited and things he saw and well... He sometimes did turn slightly red. When you first met on the trail in the Dragonspine and you first talked, you remembered that he was blushing but you thought it was because of the cold. And when you were spending a day at the Golden Apple Archipelago - his cheeks were red when he was talking with you. But it must have been the sun, right?

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