Scaramouche [spicy spice]

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so apparently scaraboobs finally got a permanent place in the game but OBV I HAD TO HAVE A GENSHIN BURNOUT JUST AS THINGS STARTED TO GET GOOD >:(

also i sincerely apologize for disappearing again but um ill be disappearing again now cuz i got a lot of work and two shortstories to write so wish me luck!

i hope u enjoy my simpery here and u dont mind that y/n is wearing lipstick for dramatic effects.

The problem with y/n was that they ware horrible.

Scaramouche hated when things didn't go according to his plan and when situation was getting out of control and y/n - frankly speaking - was only good at messing up his perfect schedules.

He wondered many times whether he should get rid of then or not. And time after time he came to the same simple conclusion - killing y/n would make his life much easier.

They had an annoying habit of going up against him and always did as they pleased. It was unbearable.

"Don't you find it troubling when someone is mending with your business?" he asked them as soon as he saw them sitting on his desk.

Balladeer had just came back from a job; All he had to do, was obtaing intel and making sure nobody but him and Tsaritsa had access to it. He hated those boring tasks where he had to deal with people but a vision kf future slaughter kept him going.

That was until he arrived at the scene and find out that somebody already did his work.

And there was only one person who'd do that.

"I find it endearing actually." y/n strechted as they jumped off the desk and made their way towards him. "I get more free time when others deal with my workload, so it's convenient I think." They smiled innocently.

Scaramouche folded his arms and frowned.

"And you use that free time to steal my jobs?"

Their smile only widened. They would look cute if it wasn't for the blood on their leather jacket.

"I know you love me" they chuckled, rolling their eyes and wanted to head towards the door. But just as they were passing him, Scaramouche grabbed their arm and pulled them back.

"You need something?" y/n raised an eyebrow.

Dim light from the dusty chandelier made their features seem sharper and the warmth of their skin and smell of their perfume appeared to have an entoxicating effect on Balladeer.
He gazed at them for a while in silence before carefully putting his hand on their back and sliding it down, until he grabbed a little knife hidden under their jacket.

Slowly, he took it and keeping his eyes fixed at y/n, he dropped it on the floor.

"You know me too well" they said quietly and smiled as they began to fix his collar as if nothing happened.

He watched their focused face, fascinated by the way their brows were frowning.

Without realising it, he let go off their arm and instead grabbed their chin gently and raised it up, so that now, they were facing him.

y/n didn't let go off his shirt as he leaned and brushed his lips against theirs. It always annoyed them, that careful, undecisive movement.

Provoked, they growled and pulled him closer by the collar, only to kiss him. Scaramouche chuckled into their lips just as they bit him. The hand he kept under their chin, slipped down to the back of their neck and finally their back. He pulled them harder, pressing their chest against his and pushed himself into their hips, while also keeping them pressed tightly against his body.

For a split second, y/n let go a bit, but that short moment was enough for him to make them lose their breath and moan.

Just as he felt their nails grip his shoulders, Scaramouche broke off and stepped away from them, to admire the effects of his influence 

The smuged and faded red lipstick on their mouth wasn't so perfect anymore and made them look as if they just feasted not only on his touch and rush he gave them, but also his blood.

And from the way their fingers still held onto his shirt it seemed that they were still hungry for more. With their lips parted, heavy fastened breath and gaze fixed on him in that peculiar, restless needy way, y/n was a bewitching sight. He loved seeing them like this, especially when he was the reason of that mess.

Scaramouche smiled, pleased with the result.

Delicately he brushed his fingers through their hair and then let his hand slip to the back of their neck and slowly began to caress it.

"Satisfied?" he asked quietly, watching y/n's face.

"What if I say I'm not?"

His hand travelled to the front of their throat as his fingers wrapped around it. The other hand he had been keeping on their lower back all this time and now, he pressed them harder against himself and pushed them onto the wall, with a smirk on his face.

"Then we'll have to fix that" he whispered into their ear and left a delicate kiss on the cheek, before backing away a little and giving them a long, piercing look.

If he couldn't have his fun killing, he'd have to manage differently.

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