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It  was supposed to be a boring evening like any other. There was a huge fancy festival being thrown and everyone was excited about it but you really couldn't care less. You didn't especially enjoy spending time in the loud, sweaty crowd of drunkards. Staying at home and going to sleep at a reasonable hour seemed like a much better idea. At least so you had thought until you found out that Thoma was back in town.

He had a habit of coming and going at the most unexpected times. He was always on the run, always busy and yet he would always find some time to visit you. He would smile nochalantly as he would walk up to you, placed a kiss on your knuckles like it was nothing and then, pretending not to see how flustered he made you, say something about the weather.

"How are things, y/n?" he would ask and when you would tell him that everything was as usual.
Thoma laughed at this answer every time he heard it. He then stuck around you for a while and told you all about his adventures, places he saw, things he heard, food he ate, people he met. You loved to listen to his voice, to catch the sparks of childish excitment and to look how his eyes were sparkling brightly as he spoke. But the truth was, you didn't want to listen to his stories. You wanted to be a part of them.
But you never told him that. You just smiled, gazing at him and listening, trying to remember everything and keep it in your memory and then, just like that, Thoma was gone.

When he stopped at your place this morning and asked if you will be at the festival, how could you say 'no'? You were too happy to see him after such a long time and (as pathetic as it was) your heart was pounding like crazy and you just couldn't think straight when you saw him at your doorstep. He always made you feel like that. From the very first time you met, you had a soft spot for him. But who could possibly blame you for falling for that sweet idiot? When he laughed, the whole world was laughing with him and even his smallest smile  lightened up everything around him. Thoma could sometimes be terribly stupid but at the same time he was the most reliable, skilled and charismatic person you ever knew. You admired him with all your heart and soul and felt incredibly lucky to have someone like that in your life.

"Ah, y/n! Here you are!" Thoma gave you a grin when he spotted you in the crowd. You were standing between food stalls, near the place people were dancing to some cheerful tunes. "Are you enjoying yourself, dear?"

You shrugged.

"It's nice" you said and Thoma laughed.

"My, you don't have to be so serious all the time. C'mon, smile y/n. Just a little? Please?" Thoma looked at you with his greenish puppy eyes and a smile just crept into your face on its own. This man had way too much power over you. "Aw, how cute. Thank you, y/n, the world is a better place now" he said looking straight at you and making you blush and turn your gaze.

The music stopped for a second and then, suddenly, the song changed.

Thoma frowned but a moment later a huge grin appeared on his face.

"y/n, isn't that your favourite song?" he asked, with a sneaky look in his eyes.

"It is" you said a bit surprised. You told him that once, a very, very long time and you genuinely thought that he forgot all about it. "You remembered".

"Well of course, y/n". Thoma winked at you. "But now, how about we dance, huh?"

"I don't dance" you answerd without a second thought and regreted it just a moment later.

Thoma only rose his eyebrow.

"Is that so?" A blush crept into your face, when he wrapped his fingers around your hand and pulled it to his lips. "Just one song? Please?" Thoma placed a gentle kiss on your skin. "What do you say, y/n? Would you dance with me?" He was gazing straight into your eyes the whole time. "Besides, I bet you look good on the dancefloor".

You chuckled and shook your head.

"Come on then, let's dance" you said, turning to the parquet. "But just one song".

"Just one" Thoma agreed, pulling you closer to him as you started spinning around to the music with other people. Steps were simple, tune was catchy, night was still young, you were smiling and everything was alright. The crowd was dense and yet for you the whole world disappeared - there was only you and the man holding you in his arms.

You didn't even notice when your song ended and the other one started. But you didn't care. You couldn't care; Not when Thoma was so close to you, not when you could feel the warmth of his soft skin on yours, not when you had his perfume, burned wood, incense and coffee, was all over you. You couldn't just leave him when he was holding you so tight and when he was looking at you with his emerald eyes as if you were a miracle.

You didn't notice that another song started and that this time it was a really slow and a really quiet one. But you did notice that Thoma's hands slipped to your waist and that he was pulling you even closer then before and that he pressed his forehead to yours. Your heart was racing, you felt dizzy and it was getting harder to catch a breath.

Thoma had his eyes fixed on you and he was smiling sligthly. His lips were almost touching yours. Butterflies in your stomach were going crazy.

"You certainlly look more than good on the dancefloor" Thoma said, pressing his hand to your cheek and brushing his thumb against your lips. You were gazing into his eyes, enchanted. "What are you thinking about, y/n?" he asked quietly.

You sighed.
You were thinking about many things - about how beautiful his eyes were and how you got completly lost in them, about his hips pressed to yours, about his fingertips drawing circels on the bare skin of your lower back, about all the things you two could do and about how you missed him already. No matter how much he would give you, it would never be enough. You would always want more and he would always have to leave you eventually, without a promise of coming back.

It was hard to say any of those things.

You caressed his cheek and leaned closer to him.
"About you, Thoma" you whispered into his lips. He just smiled.
"About me, huh?" He laughed under his breath, still gazing into your eyes. "And what exactly do you think about me?"
You laughed quietly as well, when you kissed him gently, like you were drinking sweet nectar - or maybe love - from his lips.

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