Childe [spicy]

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happy childe day simps

You didn't know what you were thinking when you decided to visit Childe.

Most likely you weren't thinking at all but that wasn't important now.

"Oh, y/n." The redhead was almost surprised to find you at his doorstep. A smile crept onto his face making his dimples show. "Good to see you."

"Yeah" you cleared your throat a bit awkwardly. "Can, argh, I come in?"

Tartaglia's smile broadened.

"Aw, I thought you only wanted to slap me and be on your way" he let out a laugh and you only rolled your eyes. "But I mean sure, sure come in. I have some vodka if you want."

He moved a bit, making way for you to come in.

"You're alone?" You frowned as you gave his living room a glance. "And vodka is fine but only if you're drinking with me."

Childe raised an eyebrow.

"With pleasure" His hand run through your finger messing them, as he passed you on his way to the kitchen. "And yes, I'm on my own tonight. I mean," he gave you a sly look "now I'm with you, so I'm all yours, to be perscise."

You rolled your eyes as you followed him to the kitchen.

Childe chuckled slightly.

"Sorry." He bit his lower lip and gave you a little, apologetic smile as he turned to face you. "I know that kind of talk annoys the shit out of you."

"Oh c'mon, it's fine" "It's part of your charm, I guess."

"You find me charming?" Childe laughed.

"Maybe." You shrugged. "But also, you're not very accurate."

"How so?"

"Well, I have you all to myself tonight but you also have me all to yourself."

"Oh really?" Childe raised an eyebrow with a smile. "Here." He passed you a shot and raised his own glass. "Za zdaróvye!"

"Za zdaróvye!" you repeated clumsyly, making the redhead giggle a little, and you raised your glass as well.

Childe poured the whole shot into himself swiftly and put the glass on the counter, turning it upside down.

The alcohol burnt your mouth and throat but even though a little slower, you were done with your shot too.

"Another?" Childe asked as he watched your face with a slight amusement. "We could actually play a drinking game. Otherwise it's gonna be boring. That is until you make up your mind and finally kick my ass.

"Why are you so convinced all I could want is to beat you up?" You frowned, crossing arms on your chest.

"I don't know." Tartaglia shrugged. "You still haven't told me why you're here, so I'm just asuming you were bored and remembered you were mad at me."

He chuckled.

"No, but seriously, we don't really meet up unless we have issues to work out."

You glanced at him and sighed, leaning your back against the counter.

"I'm not mad."

"Good." Childe smiled taking a step closer to you and putting his hand on your side. You turned your gaze away, trying to back away but there was nowhere to run. "Then why did you come?"

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