Kazuha [fluff/angst]

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hi y'all, i hope you are doing great and everything is fun&cool and if it's not i wish it'll get better soon and if not pls let me know imma go fight some mystical powers or whatever i just want everybody to be happy goddammit ;-;

anyways i hope you'll enjoy this pov :3
i kinda had this idea with me for a while but i didn't quite know how to get down to business but apparently sitting in the window at night and listening to people singing in the bar is really helpful so yea :b

and also great great great thanks to zhongli_childe_Waifu for the song x


It was 3 a.m. and you were in the neverending labirinth of shelves with alleyways leading to nowhere. Convenience store made you feel so unreal with its blinding, artificial lights, buzzing airconditioner and faceless workers. You were pushing the cart forward (or maybe backwards - you weren't sure because you had lost your sense of direction a long time ago) and, almost automatically, without thought, putting things in it.

Time didn't really exist in this place.
Past, present and future were merging into one and everything seemed to be some kind of dream; Good or bad - you didn't knew.
You could feel and hear your heart beating in the rythm of a song that was echoing between shelves - a typical song, one of thousands of millions that were played in all the shops everywhere in the world  - a catchy tune to hum for a bit and forget a second later.

You were hipnotized by it all and didn't felt too concious. Everything was kind of passing you by, happening,  and you just were there, floating in space, lost in the spiral of your empty thoughts.

"y/n?" Soft voice and a warm touch on your hand brought you back to reality. Delicate fingers wrapped around yours.

You blinked a few times, trying to free yourself a pecurial, overwhelming feeling that caught you.

"Hm?" You turned your head to Kazuha.

How could you forget he was with you? You felt guilty for letting yourself space out so badly again. You wanted to apologize, explain, say something, anything but you couldn't find the words. They all felt so meaningless.

"Have you decided on that chocolate?" he asked with a kind smile on his face as if nothing happened. You were looking at him in amazement and with gratefulness. He didn't need you to tell him what was going on - he could see it and he understood. He couldn't really help you but he was by your side, like a guardian angel, and to be honest it was the best thing he could ever do for you.

"I've never thought I would say it but there's too much chocolate" you said quietly, brushing your fingertips against colourful packages.

"Well" Kazuha sighed grabbing two bars of chocolate laying the closest to you, one in a violet wrapping, one in a shiny silver box, and putting them both in the cart "it's all the same anyway".

You frowned and gazed at Kazuha, waiting for him to explain his mind.

"The ilussion of free choice" he said after a short quiet while. You were walking through the alleyways again, this time in the search of refrigerators. "I mean, how different those chocolates are? Ingreidients are more-less the same, maybe proprtions are slightly different but they both are way too sweet to taste like anything but sugar".

"Yeah". You got goosebumps, suddenly remembering how you ate a whole bar of milk chocolate at one sitting and how sick and dizzy you felt for the next week. It also might had something to do with the fact that you had a horribly bad cold at the same time (after you were caught by the rain on a date with Kazuha) but well, since then you haven't touched a milk chocolate even once and prefered to stick to dark, instead.

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