Kaeya [smut FEM!reader|OXYTOCIN]

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so basically im writing new ff with smut and here's one of chapters for yall to check out since my povs are like ~super popular~

if you're interested, check out my profile, fanfic is there and it's called 'OXYTOCIN' (yes, like this billie eilish song)

have fun reading my silly little simps<3

Y/N indeed didn't have too much fun after Kaeya left

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Y/N indeed didn't have too much fun after Kaeya left. She was way too tiered for that. The next morning she was actually even more tiered but it was a lot easier to handle a headache and some dose of fatigue at 6 in the morning, when literally everybody else felt the same.

The sunrise that day was rather a pretty one – if y/n had a way with words, she probably would have emblazoned the rosy clouds shattered by gold blades of sunlight and honour magnificence of the dawn singing with the birds. Unfortunately, she wasn't much of a poet so all that was left to do for her, was to go to the winery, take care of deliveries, scold some incompetent workers and try not to think about a certain blue-haired man and his silly little ideas.

Because certainly, what happened last night couldn't be anything more than a joke. Even, if she wished it was.

The business in the Dawn Winery was boring and didn't exactly take her mind of thoughts bothering her since last night. Y/N was a bit disappointed but she wasn't exactly worried – it wasn't her only option to get Kaeya out of her head. She had business in Liyue, after all. She could fetch the documents Kaeya was talking about, then run through them, figure out what was going on with those annoying symbols and finally swing into action.

It was an even better idea than slacking off in the winery – Childe would be absolutely furious if she managed to deal with this before he did and she would make much better money for this than for picking up deliveries.

With this thought, she made her way back to Mondstadt, to get documents from Kaeya's office and get to work.

The headquarters were quite empty when y/n got there. No sign of knights whatsoever – even Lisa wasn't in her usual corner of library hiding from responsibilities. Y/N disappointed that she couldn't drink a cup of tea and talk shit on everything and everyone.

'Well, I'm going to be done faster' she tried to cheer herself up, as she went up the stairs to reach Kaeya's office. He had his room in the part of the building which was very, very rarely cleaned up – dust was hovering in the air as sun faintly lightened up dark corridors. With each step, y/n scuffed up clouds of dust from the rug. She didn't exactly like the dirt but the smell of cigarettes, old books and Kaeya's perfume were definitely pleasant.

Y/N swiftly opened the right door with the key she was given last night and slipped into the room.

It was less messy than she'd expected it to be – true, the desk was completely covered in documents, books, empty cups, open bottles and on the couch there was a jacket, more documents, package of cigarettes and books. Ashtray on the window sill was almost empty, and there were a few fag ends in it but a flower in a pot next to it was in quite a good shape.

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