Beidou & Ningguang [bad bxtch energy]

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istg the day i become as confident and rich as those two it's over for yall (it's probably never gonna happen though lmao)

It was just another evening with your two best friends, Beidou and Ninguang, and you were getting ready for a night out. Nothing special, really. The three of you were used to partying all night, sleeping till noon, drinking champagne for breakfast, staying at the most expensive and ridiculous hotels possible, buying designer clothes, visiting fancy restaurants, flirting with everyone, always having all the eyes on you, driving through the city with windows down, doing whatever you pleased and simply living your best life.
"Beidou, did you drank everything we had?" Ninguang was about to lose it. "Beidou, answer me."
Beidou only rolled her eyes.
"If you could just shut up fir a moment, miss" she sighed with annoyance.
Obviously she was the one who emptied the minibar but right now she was drawing your eyeliner and really couldn't care less about some alcohol that wasn't even drinkable anymore.
"Beidou!" Ninguang was not giving up. "Answer me."
Beidou smirked.
"No" she said. "Now, y/n, let's do the other eye."
"Beidou, don't ignore me goddammit!" You didn't understand why Ninguang was so mad about the matter all of a sudden. She could have just call for room service and order a new bottle or even eleven. What was her problem?
"Gee, just kiss already" you sighed.
"y/n" you heard Beidou's whisper in your ear. "I swear, one more word and you'll be choking on that eyeliner, dear."
You rose your eyebrow and laughed.
It felt so good to be here with them.
Since you met those two your life changed (for the better of course) and you were no more someone who was a pray, someone running away. You changed, you took what was yours and, to be honest, the bloody taste of revange was so, so good and - you must have admitted - you got addicted to it. You loved having the world at your feet. You loved being powerful.
"Beidou, why didn't you leave anything for us?" Your eyeliner was done and Ninguang took her chance to terrorize poor Beidou.
"I left a bottle for you" she answered with dignity. "But you didn't drink it so I drank that one as well, so that it wouldn't go to waste."
What followed was Ninguang yelling something about stupid, brainless, selfish, annoying and way to pretty dumbasses, who drank everything they could put their hands on.
You didn't listen though.
It was the same as every night and there was no need to worry about those two arguing.
Smiling to yourself, you started looking through your jewlery. Never before had you so many trinkets. Not that you complained - you liked every necklace of yours, every bracelet and ring but you coukdn't help that you were the most fond of the diamond tiara you bought recently.
Since you were little, you dreamt about having something like that. All that plastic shit people offered you was the most infuriating thing imaginable. Someone once told you, that when you would find yourself a prince or an incredibly rich man, he would give you whatever you could wish for, even a diamond tiara.
But now, you were the rich man and you were the one giving yourself whatever you could wish for.
"y/n please stop smiling like that" You realized that Ninguang was standing next to you.
"Yeah, you're terrifying." Beidou, who stood beside you as well, touched your arm. "Are you planning murder, pheraps?"
You laughed.
Beidou's eyes sparkled with excitment but Ninguang was having none of it.
"Hold your horses" she sighed. "We'll discuss it when we get back from the party."
Beidou gasped, absolutely amazed at how cruel her beautiful best friend was and you just laughed.
Oh, you three were having way too much fun getting in trouble. You knew that eventually it would have to come to an end but there was no point in worrying.about it.
After all, you thought as you were looking at your best friends, we know way too much about each other to just turn our backs and walk away. Yeah, so many secrets... Only death can tear us apart now.
You only smirked at this thought.

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