Arataki Itto

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there's something about writing my silly lil povs which are read by about 7 people, that makes me feel very powerful idk

The bar was way too crowded as for your taste as it would usually happen on a Friday night. But as much as you hated having cheerful drunks around you, you couldn't imagine where else you could go. Sitting alone at home was not the best idea since staying all alone with yourself used to end up in rather peculiar and not the best situation – but at least you had some funny stories to tell now.

"y/n! You made it!" shouted someone who you were apparently supposed to know.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I?" you laughed, trying to pass that not-at-all-strange-stranger by as quickly as it was possible.

"My gosh, so annoying" you murmured under your breath. "The usual, please" you told the bartender, after you found - or more like kick somebody out of – a stool. Unfortunately, life would have been way too merciful of you could have just drunk your drink in peace.

"y/n!" you heard another pesky voice but this time, you knew exactly who was bothering you.

You emptied your glass and turned around.

"What do you want Itto?" you sighed.

Man in front of you gave you a mischievous smile.

"What do you think?" he asked teasingly.

"I don't think" you answered, pouring another drink into yourself. It tasted like shit and burnt your throat but you didn't care and besides, you were used to it.

"Aw, don't be like that, y/n" cried Arataki.

"Like what?" You rose your eyebrow and gave him a side look. "Don't act like you don't love it anyway".

Itto frowned, only to laugh a second after. There was something in the way his face lightened up when he was really, truly amused that made you feel like you could laugh like a child along with him, no matter how stupid the reason for that laughter was. You let a slight smile to creep into your lips.

"So what's your business?" you reminded him about his question, when Itto was done laughing. You wished he would have laughed for just little longer but who were you ask him for that?

"A spar obviously" he rolled his eyes. "What's with you y/n?" This time Arataki was the one to rise his eyebrow and give you a peculiar look "You counted on something else? I guess I could grant you your wish".

"In your dreams".

"My, my! You're so sharp! How did you know?"

"Let's say you're easy to crack on that one" you smiled. "But let's get down to business, dear. I don't have a whole night to waste, you know." That was an obvious lie – you had your whole life to waste. "We deal with at as usual?"

"Yeah, guess so." Itto shrugged. "The winner takes all?"

"Since I'm the one to win it's all fine with me, hon." You winked at him.

You hadn't realized up until now, that the whole bar went quiet and everyone was waiting for your next move.

"Don't be so sure of yourself" Arataki snorted, making a funny expression. "ATTENTION Y'ALL!" he yelled at the top of his lungs even though people were already on the tip of their toes and have already given their attention to you two. "Y/N AND MAGNIFICENT ME" you rolled your eyes at this unfitted adjective "ARE GOING TO SPAR, SO IF YOU WOULD BE SO KIND AND BET YOUR MONEY ON ME, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!"

"You sure have an unreasonably extraordinarily high ego" you sighed, as you emptied your last drink. For now, at least.

"I'm not sure if you're insulting me, 'cause you use way too fancy words, but if so, then go fuck yourself and if not, then thank you, dear".

You giggled but suddenly, your mood dropped, when you notice a bunch of people following Itto's advice and betting their money on him in one of the dark, musty corners of the bar.

One cold gaze from you however, was enough to make them change their minds and go to the other side of the room, where more sensible crowd gathered – the crowd betting on you.

Arataki was already on the next side of the room, leaning on the wall. When did he manage to get away from you?

"You better not disappoint me" you murmured, as you stood up from your stool and pulled out a knife - not to cut Itto's throat obviously (but it felt nice to just have that option) but rather to look scarier and frighten all those, who for some reason still haven't made their way to the side of your supporters. Besides, you knew you looked fine with a shiny, sharp blade, so who could balme you for wanting to feel pretty?

"Is that knife sharp?" Arataki glanced at you with a teasing sparkle in his dark eyes.

As always, he was fighting with his bare hands and without a shirt, which for some reason made it hard to keep your eyes on his face and turned your cheeks red and made the feel hot and burning. But fortunately, since you were fighting, you could always blame being flustered on the heat of battle.

"Why won't you come and find out?" You smiled, taking a step closer to him.

"With pleasure!"

Itto jumped to you in a split of a second and swung to knock you down, but you were fast to dive. The atmosphere was getting heavier and heavier with each moment and the crowd – becoming more comfortable and excited – soon was cheering, yelling and being as irritating as a crowd can be.

Arataki tried to catch you off guard, putting his leg on your way but you swiftly went around it, ruining his plan. So far, you weren't even attacking – all you were trying to do, was to wear him down and then go after him. The knife couldn't help you anymore – you threw it at Itto, to make him lose his focus and the blade was now a poor wall had a stab wound.

You were doing a great job diving, jumping back, right, left and adjusting your steps to his. It felt more like a dance, especially when Arataki grabbed you by your waist from behind and turned you around to face him. People went crazy – the noise was unbearable, the tempers were lost, blood was boiling in their veins, because everybody knew that the end was near.

"And the winner is me" you whispered fixing your eyes at Itto.

He frowned, not understanding but soon you served him your signature kick and everything became clear.

Arataki hit the ground but he wasn't stupid enough not to take you with him. As he had never let go of your waist, all he needed to do, was to just pull you and make you fall on him. You hadn't seen it coming, so it was no surprise you lost your balance and made Itto's dream come true.

You had your hands on his sides and your body was hovering over his. Being on the top of him, you could feel his chest rising and falling rapidly and his warm breath on your skin. He was gazing at you with that piercing dark eyes of his and your heart was pounding. You wished you could stay in this moment forever.

"Ahh, y/n, why won't you join the Arataki Gang?" he growled. "I could show you what dreams are made of".

You smiled and shook your head.

"Pleasure making a fool out of you, Itto". You got up, grabbed your prize from the table on your way to the door, ignoring the ongoing "congrats" and "good jobs", but as you were about to leave, you turned around one last time. "'Till next time!" you said and with that, you walked into the night and you were gone.

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