Pantalone (dark baizhu) [spicy]

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damn. this man.

"Is this place free?" You looked up from your glass as you heard a question. "Or do I have to convince you that I am a better companion than whoever you came here with?"

"Aw, Pantalone" you raised an eyebrow in surprise. To see the ninth of the Fatui Harbingers somewhere different than in his office was quite astonishing indeed. "Don't worry, I haven't brought anyone with me tonight. I don't have the patience anymore." You rolled your eyes and took a sip of your wine. "But what are you doing here? Don't tell me you missed me."

Regrator smiled at you.

"I did" he said as he sat down next to you. "Is it so bad?"

You shrugged, leaning back on your chair.

"Well I told you before" Pantalone nodded and gave a bewitching smile to a waitress who brought him his whiskey. She walked away very quickly with her face flushed. "I find you... amusing."

You frowned.


"Oh don't be so cold, y/n" man raised his glass as if to make a toast. "We know each other way too well to play stupid games like that."

"Like what, Pantalone?" You glanced at him unbothered. "Like I want to kill you and you think I'm funny?"
"I don't think you're funny to want to cut my throat."

"Then I'm special, 'cause I tell you I want to murder you." You shrugged. "Honestly, I don't care. You're a bizzare man, Pantalone."
The Harbinger only laughed.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, my dear, but there are many people who want to kill me" he said calmly. "Although, I think if it really came to this, you're the only one to whom I'd give permisson to end my life."

You frowned, gazing at Regrator's cold, sharp eyes and an always-present smile. He was handsome and seemed like a kind and good-natured person but his words, said in a casual tone, made him look more like a madman.

You liked that duality of his.

It both terrifiyed and fascinated you at the same time.

"You have a strange way of expressing affection" you noted, shaking your head. "I'll be sure to remember what you told me, though."

Pantalone laughed under his breath and you took another sip of your wine - the last sip to be perscise.

"Well, well" you sighed as you put the glass down and stood up "seems like it's time to go."

You grabbed your coat and began to make your way towards door of the bar.
As you were passing Pantalone, you raised your hand and brushed your fingers through his long black hair.

"See you when I see you, pretty boy" you said, thinking nothing of it but Regator was quick to catch your wrist and pull you back to face him.

He was staring at you with a certain kind of annoyance and frustration that made his eyes darken and gave them a violent, hungry spark.

Pantalone pressed his lips to your knuckles, as his fingers caressed your hand.

"I'm not used to not getting what I want" he growled quietly. "Do you seriously think you can leave me like that every time and then expect me to come crawling to you?"
He was holding your hand firmly yet his fingertips were brushing so delicately against your skin.

"Of course I can." You smiled sweetly. "After all, I'm still waiting for you to give me a convincing reason to actually stay."

"A convincing reason?" he repeated slowly. "Oh, so you're just planning to bother me until I fall onto my knees and beg?"

"You could."

Pantalone frowned. His smile had disappeared and he looked as if he was considering something carefully in his mind. He did not let go of you. His grip became looser but you had no interest in taking your hand away from him.

You were carefully observing all the slight changes on his face, when suddenly Regator stood up and without unnecessary warnings and sweet-talk, pulled you closer and kissed you.

You smiled into his lips.

He knew what he wanted and he was going to find a way to get it. In that case, if what he desired was your undivided attention then this move gained him that and much more.
He was still holding your hand but with each passing moment his lips were getting more and more greedy.

However, you were not going to go easy on him.

You bit his lower lip as Pantalone's hand slid to your lower back, and you could taste blood.

He felt it too but he didn't mind. He pushed himself harder on you, making you gasp.
Regrator kissed you again, more gently this time and let you go with a slight smile.

"How is that?" he asked quietly.

He seemed genuinely curious and kept his eyes locked with yours.

Never before have you noticed that they had sparkling amber undertones.

"Close." You pressed your hand to his cheek and giving him a soft smile. However, before he could get to that feeling, you slipped away and disappeared into the night.  "Very close."

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