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im fucking delusional ;-;

"Venti, dear" you called to your boyfriend who was sitting on the couch, ignoring the whole world and crocheting. "Your tea."

You put a mug on the coffee table and a silent tap it made, woke up the cat, who accompanied by the patting sound of paws hitting the floor, suddenly appeared in the living room, honoring you with its presence.

"Aww my tea!" Venti put the crochet hook down and looked up at you with the cutest smile you've ever seen. "Thanks."

With an affectionate 'meow' Bygul - your sphynx cat dressed in a frog-sweater and a frog-hat - brushed her head against your shin and after she recieved a rub under her chin, she purred and elegantely jumped on the couch and after a moment of consideration, lay down next to Venti, resting her head on his lap.

The man rubbed her neck with a gentle smile and adjusted her sweater a little. Bygul purred, pleased with her human doings.

You shook your head with a sigh as Venti was getting more and more caught up in petting little Bygul.

You pulled your phone put of your pocket and took a picture. It was defenitely worth saving, especially because of your boyfriend's expression and how he put his lips into a beak as he 'psst psst' at your cat.

"Caught in 4k" you said with a smirk and Venti gasped utterly shocked. You giggled as you put a plate you were holding this whole time on the table. "And here'a your apple pie, too."

Venti suddenly forgot he was supposed to be mad at you and his face lightened up.

"And my apple pie!" he cried happily. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. You're so precious, y/n, I love you so much!"

Bygul glanced at him but said nothing of his simp behavior.

"I'd kiss you or something but I can't right now 'cause um..." Venti looked at the cat and the cat looked at him. "Yeah..."

You giggled as you sat next to him and left a kiss on his cheek.

"I know." You smiled. "How's your work going?"

Venti pressed his lips into a thin line.

"I'd go to hell and back for this little baby" he pointed his chin at Bygul. "But I think my fingers are about to fall off."

You grabbed his hand into yours, pulling and pressing it gently to your lips.

"Poor baby" you said, leaning your head on his shoulder.

Venti giggled as he placed a kiss on your forehead.

Bygul meowed, now displeased that she wasn't the main focus of his attention anymore.

"Oh my gosh, just let me do what I'm doing, please" Venti cried. "By the way, y/n, didn't you make yourself tea?"

"Nah." You covered your mouth as you yawned. "I wanted to take a nap."

You curled your legs up and pressed your cheek to Venti's shoulder. His blouse smelled like fresh loundry and your favourite sour candies.

"You're just like Bygul, for real" he said with a smile, kissing the top of your head, as he leaned to get a blanket and cover you with it.

"You don't let me sit on your lap so often, though" you murmured.

Venti took a deep breath in and out.

"Okay, then" he said, picking up the crochet hook and starting his work again "from now on you'll sit on my lap more often. But you have to work out details with Bygul."
You laughed quietly.

Your eyes were closed as you were slowly falling asleep, but even though you couldn't see his face, just by the sound of his voice you could tell that Venti was flustered.

The cat suddenly fancied to change her resting position and she abondened Venti's lap and instead moved to the free space between your and Venti's thights. She patted the couch a little and then curled into a small, purring ball.

"Venti? you asked in a quiet sleepy voice.


"You make me very happy." You sighed, pressing your cheek harder to his shoulder. His braids were slightly tickling your neck but you didn't mind. "Thanks."

For a moment, he stayed silent.

"And you make the best apple pie, tea and I really like the way you braid my hair and always stick flowers into them and the way you look away and smile when you're flustered, and how you laugh at me when I do something silly, which is like always and there are like lots of other things but um..."

You opened your eyes and sit up to look at Venti.

He blushed, when your gazes crossed but he also smiled.

"Yeah, so um basically my point is" he cleared his throat. "My point is you also make me happy and I think you're the love of my life." His cheeks were even more red now. "Sorry."

"Oh no, no, no. Don't be." You pressed your hand to his cheek. "That's... Very sweet. You're very sweet."

Venti giggled a little.
"Am I now?"

You nodded.

"Yes you are" you said in a serious tone. "And I like being in love with you."

A broad smile lightened up his face, even though Venti tried his best to hide this grin.

"I like being in love with you too" he whispered as he leaned to you, pressing his forehead to yours.

You smiled, shaking your head slightly.
Carefully, trying not to disturb Bygul, you moved from where you were sitting and instead sat on Venti's lap.

Venti seemed like wanted to say something but at the end decided not to and only rolled his eyes. You bit your lower lip as a sneaky smile crept onto your face.

"So you're not sleepy anymore, huh?" he asked quietly.

"Not really."

His hands, now free from crochet hook and the sweater, moved to your hips and slightly up, getting under your shirt.

You caressed his cheeks and jaw, keeping your eyes locked with his, until you brushed your thumb against his lips, parting them and Venti's gaze slid down to your mouth.

It was going to be a long afternoon.

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