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As your life passed on, you came to realise that days were almost very similar to each other. There were routines, there were tasks, there were people and sure, there was some field for manoeuvre, some options and choices to be made. This could make a difference in the established pattern. Yet usually, even though that gave you the feeling of controlling your fate and thus life, everything was in fact undisturbed and unfazed by your lack of cooperation with the established order of the world.

But nights were different.

Time didn't exactly function the way it would during the day and you were freed from the form you had to take on otherwise. Now, you could craft a new life for yourself and a new face to accompany it.

You yawned as you dragged your feet aling the floor, walking up to the bed. You were wearing your fluffy flip-flops and a way too large sweatshirt, A comfortable perfect outfit for a sleepy person.

You had considered wearing a pair of fluffy socks as well but eventually you gave up on the idea - not because it was a bad one but because said socks were in a bottom drawer and you just didn't feel like leaning down, searching for socks among other socks and stuff and standing up and putting socks on and walking around the flat and so on and so forth.

Yawning again, you curled into bed and took off your flip-flops, making them fall to the floor with a soft 'tu-dum'. The room was dark and the curtains were drawn, so you moved around relying on your memory. You kneeled on the soft, soft bed and sighed with relief.

"Aether?" you asked quietly, looking over to the side of the bed where he should be lying.

There was no answer.

You took your phone out of your pocket and lit up the screen and pointed the light towards where you were looking. Your eyes were teary and were feeling sticky and so your vision was a bit blurry but you could see the golden hair spilled over the pillow, an arm wrapped around another one and a calm face.

Aether seemed so fragile while he was asleep. Even his cheeks appeared to be evn chubbier, cuter and more poakable than usual.

You smiled thoughtlessly and leaned closer towards him. Carefully,  trying not to disturb him and supporting yourself on a hand rested on a mattress, you placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.

Then, you didn't even know when exactly, his hands grabbed you around your waist and sat you down on his hips, with chest pressed against his chest and lips pressed against his.

"Weren't you..." You tried to catch your breath and be mad or at least sound mad. You weren't able to do any of these things. "...asleep?"

Aether smiled and kissed you again, his warm hand begining to slide under your sweatshirt.

"You really should stop assuming things about me" he said, drawing circles on your lowerback with his fingertips.

You furrowed your brows.

"And you should stop scaring me" you pointed out, really trying not to give in.

"Oh really?" Aether kept on smiling innocently. "Should I?"

You pursed your lips and rolled your eyes.

"Yes. Yes, you should" you repeated unmoved.

Your body was hovering over his but just as you spoke, Aether turned your world around, rolling over so that now he was holding you down under himself and making you gasp.

"Okay then" he whispered into your ear as he leaned down closer to you. "We'll go very, very slow, so that you don't miss anything and I'll explain to you everything I am doing."

You felt him press harder to your hips and his hands clinging to your back. Heat started spreading around your chest as you tried to keep your breath calm. But Aether had already changed its usual rythm.

You watched him as he slid down your body and you felt the traces of kisses he was leaving on tour jaw, throat and collarbines and the vibration of his voice as he talked right into your skin.

"I'll move my hand to your ribs" he was saying as his hand travelled across your body "and then I'll touch your stomach and then I'll slide it to your hip and down... Just like that."

He fulfilled every promise he was making to you right there and then and lying in his arms like that, you really wished that nights could last longer.

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