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i realised i never wrote a pov for him and now i pulled him so ig its a sign. i lowkey hope his eng va one day reads this pov and confirms that my take on kavehs personality is right.

As soon as you walked in the door, you noticed the whole flat smelled of coffee. But instead of feeling refreshed and comforted by its scent, you were overcame with a peculiar dizziness. All your senses were succumbing slowly but surely as your mind was in a daze.

"Your thoughts are wandering today, aren't they?"

Kaveh stepped closer to you making you step back and hit the wall. Even in the dim light you noticed how he raised a corner of his mouth gently. He was quite pretty like this, with his eyes fixed on you and his face just inches away from yours.

He extended his hand toward your chin and lifted it up delicately, making you look at him.

"I need you to focus" he said quietly as he leaned a little closer.

You nodded, your eyes slipping down to his lips. There was a lot that you wanted to say, because there was a lot you needed him to understand. It was just too difficult to gather your thoughts when he was so close and you felt like struck with a fever.

"I am focused" you told him, only making Kaveh chuckle.

"Of course." The palm of his hand was now pressed to your cheek and your face burned up from the warmth of his skin. Your flesh was melting and it was all his fault.

Kaveh seemed to have been aware of that, smiling as your fingers gripped around his arms and as the fabric of his shirt wrinkled violently.

You felt his muscles move under his skin as his hands were sliding against your body eventually resting on your lower back and pulling your hips closer to him. He was strong. His body was almost pressed to yours and you could have almost feel his weight on you, yet for now Kaveh was pinning you with just a heavy breath. He could do anything to you if he wanted to.

Yet, something kept him restrained as his body was burning up under your fingertips.

"Kaveh?" you asked, his name feeling soft against your tongue.

"Hm?" His eyes were watery and unfocused and his jaw was clenched as his grip around you tightened.

"What exactly do you want?"

"I thought it was obvious." He frowned, staring back at you with a faint smile.

"I like hearing your voice." You shrugged, knowing well that talking wasn't what either of you would like to be doing.

"Even right now?" Kaveh questioned your motives, rising an eyebrow and a corner of his mouth as his body leaned forward onto yours.

"Especially right now."

He smiled and shook his head, before his gaze returned to you. It was obvious he had no intention of speaking.

His thumb brushed gently against your lower lip as his breath quickened. Your hands were rested on the back of his neck, fingers entangled in his hair and pulling him in to lean closer.

Kaveh obliged, his lips close enough to brush against yours. He didn't use much force, at first only tasting the shape but his greed took the better of him. And as he pushed you against the wall, making you lose your breath, holding your body pressed to himself and his name escaped your lips, you realised, there was nothing you would do to ever stop him from taking from you. Not that you wanted him to stop.

You could have made him your god and let your love for him keep you down praying, bruise your knees, stuff your throat until all you could say was his name.

Yet somehow it was him whose hair was a mess, whose breath was uneven, lips swollen and parted, skin burning and heart almost skipping every other beat. He put himself on your mercy willingly and his eyes could only see you in that moment.

Your hand slid down from his shoulder, to his chest and stopped right where the pulse was the strongest. You smiled slightly feeling it.

You could make his heart beat faster, much faster than that.

You could also make it stop.

But every time Kaveh gave you the chance to decide between the two, you chose the first one. And perhaps that was even more cruel, to keep him wrapped around your finger, at your command and all the more enchanted by your touch.

His gazed at your face as you unbuttoned the collar of his shirt and began to go lower.

"I really hope you're doing this on purpose" he said quietly, his voice hoarse. You still had his hands on you and seeing the faint spark in his amber eyes, you were sure he wouldn't let go of you.


so im running low on free time due to the fact that i dropped my advanced literature course and now im a full-time woman in stem (i didnt know taking a shower was such a quirky/ uncommon/insane thing to do istg i thought every1 was kidding about stem guys being stinky but turns out not :||). i highly recommend taking sciences as your major cuz its actually super fun but as i mentioned, its really time consuming. this is percisely why i will be going on an indefinate hiatus. i wanted to thank you all for hanging out here and reading my works it's been great to see that you actually enjoy the things that i write. you literally boosted my ego and confidence so much and i cant thank you enough for it. i hope that i get to come back here and create more and maybe publish my original works here and irl but just in case life has different plans - i wish you all that you dont have to live in delusions just to stay safe and happy but can instead enjoy your life fully just the way it is.

im prolly gonna stay on the app and read your comments cuz they are golden fr but since im not going to do anything note worthy i wanted to say something instead of just ghosting you guys, so sorry for being dramatic kinda lolololol

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