Ayato [spicy]

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hi sorri i haven't written anything for so long :( i missed writing obv but i just couldn't bring myself to it and i even published a new book to like stay motivated (MIRRORBALL check it out if you feel like it, i plan on making it as spicy as possible) but then the war broke out and everything started to feel so meaningless? and basically ever since my last update i didn't feel like doing anything and i had tons of stuff and deadlines and all that and i still have but it feels nice to actually write something lmao

yea chill anyways i hope you like my new silly little pov :)) have fun reading and stay safe besties<3

Saturday nights since always were a special dates for you – mostly, because it was usually the only night during a week, when you could get enough sleep. However now, sleep – no matter how good and how needed - has become a less thrilling way of spending your evenings.

And all of that because on every Saturday night, at 9 p.m. sharp, you had a very special someone waiting on your doorstep.

This time was no different. The evening news had barely started, when you heard knocking.

'Hi there' you said with a smile as you saw 'I thought I told you that the key is under the mat.'

'Yeah, you did. But I'd rather have you greet me'. Ayato leaned closer to you with a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. 'Hi.'

You only rolled your eyes and kissed him quickly, but he grabbed your waist and pulled you closer, pressing his hips to yours.

'Aw, c'mon' he moaned, staring at your lips. 'That's all?'

'You're so greedy' you sighed, trying to ignore the shiver running down your spine, as Kamisato drew little arabesques on your back.

'For you? Always' Ayato answered shamelessly. 'So? How's it gonna be?'

You rose your eyebrow.

'You tell me.'

Kamisato put one of his hands on your throat, as he brushed his lips against earlobe and whispered:


And then, as if nothing had just happened, he let you go. You cleared your throat, trying to hide how flustered you were, and followed him to the kitchen.

Soft light, blanket thrown on the couch, candles, fluffy socks lying on the ground, cups with cold coffee in them abandoned on the table and long forgotten, as well as fainted smell of your perfume were making a scenery seem either messy or romantic

Journalists on the news were discussing some irrelevant nonsense but their voices were pleasantly filling the air.

'I think I like your home' Ayato announced suddenly, taking a kettle to fill it by the sink.

'Oh really?' You rose your eyebrows in surprise. You opened the cupboard where tea was supposed to be, but to your astonishment, you found it empty. 'There's no tea here anymore, though'.

'I bought some on my way here' he said, winking at you and taking out a small package of mint tea out of his pocket and putting it on the counter. 'But seriously, do you really think I like being here only because of tea?' Ayato turned on the kettle, waiting for your answer.

'Well, don't you?'

He gave you an amused look.

'Take a guess.'

You blushed and turned away, not saying a word.

Kamisato laughed under his breath and placed a quick kiss on the top of your head.

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