Wriothesley [spice/smut]

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brainrot bedrot girlboss😜

as requested by wrio simps, hope u enjoy i fr brainrotted with this one

You felt your body grow weak and slip from under your control as Wriothesley's hands rested on your lower back, forced your hips forward to meet his. You bit your lip and sighed heavily, tasting blood on your tongue.

"Relax." His fingers drew arabesques on your skin as his hands travelled up and down your body - one to be pressed against your neck and the to grasp around your thigh.

"You shouldn't be holding yourself back. Especially not with me." Wriothesley placed a soft kiss on your forehead and his hair brushed against your cheek.

"Have I ever?" you asked as you extended your hand towards his temple and running your finger through his hair. The smell of musk spilled around the room and filled your lungs. You breathed it in, feeling your mind become hazy.

You leaned back and with your hand holding on to his arm, you dragged Wriothesley from the sitting position to lay on top of you as you fell on the bed.

Wriothesley wanted you close, so you came to him until your naked body melted faced with the heat of his skin. But now it was only reasonable that you demanded a reward for fulfilling his wishes.

"If anything, it's you who's holding back" you pointed out and felt as more weight was dropped on your hips. A moan escaped your lips and a smirk reflected on Wriothesley's face.

"Of course, my darling." He leaned closer to your face, while at the same time pushing himself between your legs making you pant and dug your fingernails into his shoulder. "Whatever you want, you'll get."

He was taking his time with you, his body moving with yours in harmony as he kept you under his spell and his lips leaving traces over your neck and cleavage.

The heat dominated your body as it trembled and Wriothesley's name escsped your lips, your legs shook and you wrapped one around his waist but he kept your other thigh firmly, pinning it down to the side, making more room for himself.

Your senses were overtaken and now he was the only thing on your mind.

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