Ayato [spicy hihi|fem!reader]

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everything i write lately feels lowkey trashy idk why or how like im desperate to make quality povs but heh

oh btw question besties

would you like to watch me stream while im pulling for ayato & clown? and i also wanna solo raiden w/ him so um what do u say???

Ayato came home late again.

It's always have been this way and up till now, it never really mattered to him whether he would have to stay up working or spend another weekend working. But lately, he realised, he actually couldn't help but think about the upcoming evening and his plans for it.

'I'm back' he threw the words into the corridor and let them slide deeper into the apartment. Nobody answered.

Kamisato put down his briefcase by the door and made his way to the living room. There was a blanket lying on the couch, flip-flops on the rug, half-empty cup with coffee and open book on the coffee-table. Yet the person responsible for this mess and lightening up the vanilla-scented candles was nowhere to be found.

He could hear music playing quietly in the kitchen but seeing the balcony door open, he decided to go there first.

Ayato smiled as he saw a girl leaning over the railing and staring at the city below. He didn't come close, though God knows he wanted to - Kamisato, ever stoic and composed stood few steps away, leaning on the doorframe and looking at the woman.

It was stupid of him but he couldn't bring himself to ruin this perfect scenery - her and the city drowning in the burning light of sunset.

'How was your day?' she asked, not even turning to look at him.

'Meh' he answered eloquently, still keeping his gaze at her back. 'How many coffees have you drunk already?'

'I lost the count. But, honey, 'meh' is not an answer I'm satisfied with' she sighed and turned her head to him.

He tried not to smile as broadly as his lips wanted to. His eyes absorbed every little detail of her, of the way her hair shone in the flaming-red light, of the way the curve of her neck seemed shaped so perfectly and divine and like it burying his face in it could be all he ever wanted and how.

'My, but are you ever satisfied?' He raised an eyebrow and looked at her teasingly.

She only smiled as she rolled her eyes. They both knew the answer.

Ayato gazed at her still but with each passing moment, her eyes were becoming more daring and sharpened and finally, Kamisato made his way to stand in front of her, so that her chest was pressed against his torso and he could feel her breath on his skin.

She put her hands on his shoulders and raising her tip-toes placed a quick kiss on his lips.

'Hi, Ayato.' She smiled, still looking him in the eyes.

'Hi, y/n' he smiled too, as he leaned to her and kissed her, slowly, wanting to savour each second, each brush of her skin against his, each heart beat and blood rush he could feel.

She seemed to know what he had on his mind and let him to play this way for a while and he did his best, trying not to disappoint her and allowing his fingers to leave the traces of touch around her neck, her chest, under her shirt, caressing the bare skin of her back, stomach, hips and lower. Y/N clang to him - he could feel the warmth of her soft skin against his all the time and it made him breathe a little harder.

He tightened the grip of his arms around her and didn't even notice when and how they went back to the apartment. Kamisato didn't really bother - the change of scenery changed nothing about his thoughts and Y/N seemed to have her mind set on something too. Her hands were busy unbuttoning his shirt, impatient and her mouth was getting more and more greedy.

They weren't talking. He wanted to hear her voice again but he didn't know how to ask her that - he would have to break from the kiss and he didn't want that and so, it was just the fainted sounds of music and heavy breaths that accompanied them to their bedroom.

The bed was a mess and so were they, right now y/n with her back pressed to the wall, hands pinned over her head, Ayato without shirt but with lust filling him to the bone.

'Would you think of me as pathetic if I told you I was thinking about it all day?' he asked through clenched teeth, as his lips slipped from her mouth and he was now marking her neck with kisses.

She giggled quietly but suddenly gasped for air, when he bit her skin.

'I'd think you're obsessed' she whispered, observing how he carefully took her clothes off her and stroking his cheek, feeling as he pressed it harder to her hand.

'Even worse than being pathetic' he noticed, as he dragged his fingers below her breasts. 'That would mean I'm bounded to you because of my own wish.'

'But I like you too much to think of it as a bad thing' she confessed. 'Having you only for myself forever is a quite nice concept.'

He laughed this time, as his hands slid down to her thighs and he raised her up, while y/n put her legs around his waist, pressing herself against him as hard as she could but in vain, as he put her on the bed in one swift move and hovered above her.

'Forever isn't for everyone.'

'True' she agreed with a genuine and probably the most beautiful smile he was ever to see in his dull life. 'But we're not everyone.'

'Why are you always so sure of everything you're saying?' he asked, with his gaze fixed on her and with his hand caressing her skin and going down from her neck, tracing all the bites he'd left there, to her collarbones, breasts, stomach, ribs, waist, hips and eventually her inner thighs. Ayato was observing her face calmly.

'Because I know that I'm right' she said.

It was bizarre how each time he was with her she made him go mad, lose himself, die, break down, shatter and at the same time gave him all the peace and that rare impression of happiness. For some reason, she was the one who made him the most alive and human he ever could be.

He wanted to know every inch of her, feel everything; He wanted so much of her and he knew she would give him everything he'd ask for and more but still he'd be left hungry and crawling back to her, begging for more.

'And what would you think if I said I loved you?' he inquired.

She just smiled at his words, looking at him with amused, bright eyes and suddenly, Ayato felt his heartbeat much clearer than ever before.

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