Childe [fluff]

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hello there, fellow simps :>

sorry for my English, i know it's not the best but still, i kinda like writing in other language than my mother tongue :/

well then, i hope you'll like it :)


"Rise and shine, comrade!" You sighed with annoyance hearing the voice of that moron - Childe.

You didn't bother to answer but that stupid pretty boy didn't mind. Ever since you had taken care of him after he had got terribly injured in a fight (he never told you what this whole business was about) he grew more attached to you. Almost every day Childe was waiting for you on your doorstep, only to keep you company till nightfall. From the very moment you two met, that silly redhead seemed to had a thing for you but now... It felt slightly different.

"Sooo comrade" Childe started playing with his scarf and gave you a curious look "where are you heading today?"

"The market" you said,

"Oh, really? How fortunate! You see, I have business to attend there as well. What a coincidence!" You both knew it was no coincidence but it wasn't important. You had your tasks and that and only that mattered. You could not afford to lose focus because of some silly boy.

Childe seemed to like spending time with you. Sometimes he disappeared without explanation for days only to then turn up at your door with a bottle of wine, your favourite dumplings and almond tofu.

"Did you miss me?" he would say and when would give him no answer, only rise your eyebrows, he would laugh and ask how have you been, what were you doing and then spend the whole evening and night listening to you. It was nice to wake up the next day and see Childe sleeping on your couch. He looked so peaceful and innocent.

Usually he was running around you, desperately trying to make you laugh and attempting to flirt with you in the most ridiculous and hopeless way imaginable. He wanted to see your smile, hear your voice, touch your skin, play with hair, kiss your lips. He wanted your attention, your love, you. But he didn't dare to ask for any of it. For now, he just stayed close, hoping, that one day, maybe when he'll finally conquer the world, you'll let him always be by your side and you'll let him take care of you and give you everything you could ever wish for.

Sometimes, when he thought you weren't looking, he gaze at you, admiring every inch of your beautiful face, your body and he just couldn't believe that someone like you is real and is standing right next to him. It was too good to be true.

He liked to imagine that you never caught him staring but obviously you knew he was looking. And that was because you often put your eyes on him. His smile, the shadow of his long lashes on his cheeks, his fluffy hair, his confidence, his figure, the smell of candies and cigarettes around him and those eyes...

You would never admit, never, never ever, but when he looked at you with his puppy eyes, so blue and so deep as ocean itself, you were falling and you felt weak. And in those moments you knew that man had your whole heart and soul.

Adventures and commissions were much funnier when you had him with all his dumb jokes beside you. Those practice fights of yours also were something you always looked forward to.

Although it felt a bit weird that a member of The Fatui is spending so much time with somebody like you. After all, you two were supposed to be enemies.

"Childe?" you asked him once, when you two visited redhead's favourite bakery to buy buns with apples and caramel which he adored so much.

"Yes, sweetie?"

You would never tell but this silly nickname your heart stop for a second.

"I was wondering" you said, trying to stay as cool as a cucumber "our interest are well, rather... Divergent. Do your friends not know about our, er, relationship? I imagine they would be quite concerned, don't you think?"

"By my friends you mean the Harbingers?" You nodded. "The Harbingers, the Harbingers" Childe laughed. "Ah, I'm sure the Harbingers know of my dealings with you by now. Oh, I'd love to see the look on their faces!" He laughed again. "And our relationship, as you put it, is none of their business. But don't worry, if there are any troubles I'll make sure you stay safe."

"I can keep myself safe just fine, thank you very much" you said, grabbing one of the buns Childe was holding.

The redhead did not answer. But the look in his eyes was creepy.

You could read him like a book. Very interesting book, to be specific. His face was not only pretty (although you wouldn't admit it) but it was also really expressive. Childe's eyes sparkled, his cheeks blushed, his smiles lighted up the darkest places such as your heart.

It amazed you that you could listen to him for hours without getting even slightly bored, when he was talking about Snezhnaya, his family and snow and literally anything he had on his mind. He trusted you, for some reason, and he never hid his feelings from you.

He didn't hide them that one rainy evening, when you were about to say goodbye after another day spent together.

"Comrade, before you go, I have a little something for you" he said, rummaging through his pockets.


"Here" Childe gave you a small wooden box. "Open it."

You looked inside the box intrigued. As you lifted the lit, you saw a fine golden necklace with an amber pendant in the shape of a bird. It was the very same necklace you spotted in one of the antique shops you and Childe had visited. You remembered that you said it was pretty but you never imagined that this moron would actually pay any attention to that comment nor would he buy this trinket.

"Do you like it?" he asked anxiously.

"It's beautiful, thank you Childe" you smiled. "Could you help me put it on, please?"

You had never before Childe so happy as he was now. Not even when you bought him extra big chocolate with caramel.

Redhead very carefully put the necklace around your neck and then looked at you with eyes sparkling with amazement.

"You look marvellous, y/n" he said quietly, glaring at you a bit sadly. "What a shame it's the last time we see each other."

"What do you mean?" you asked confused.

"I'm leaving Liyue" said Childe. "I have something I have to take care of and then I'm hitting the road again. Probably, I won't get back here any time soon. Maybe I won't even get back here ever again. So I just... I just wanted you to have something to remember me by. I... I don't want to fade into nothing in your memory, y/n. If it was up to me, I would join you on your travels and, and would stay with you but I can't and I'm sorry, I really am."

You couldn't bare how sad his eyes were, how broken he was. You would do anything, literally anything just so this silly boy didn't have to go through any pain.

"Well, it's quite fortunate that I have some business to attend in this place you are heading to, so I guess you won't get rid of me so easily" you said, trying to sound completely unbothered.

"I didn't tell you where I'm heading, though" he noted with a surprised look on his face.

You rolled your eyes, pretending to be irritated.

"Gee, just tell me when we're leaving, moron" you sighed but before you finished the sentence, Childe grabbed you in his arms and hugged you tightly. You hugged him to, burying your face in his shirt.

"Thank you" he whispered and you could have sworn that he was crying.

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