Albedo [fluff]

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yes. i am aware i am using the 'you can borrow my clothes but it comes at a price' thing a lot but i really like so here you go :)))

also thanks @Mari_2505 for feedback<3 and dw Childe simps im gonna deal with our pretty boy too

also i wanted to say that asian server is a magical place really - like listen, so far the only 4stars i pulled are weapons and lisa's constellation and im still having problems comprehending that.

and i discovered that my horrible ping does not apply to my EU account (where i am a yanfei main & casually befriend yelan mains btw) so yea ig being an eastern-european citizen has some pros although they're not as cool as living in peace & having rights :||


Saturday afternoon was passing slowly by and you were wasting your time doing nothing. Reading a light novel and drinking tea, to be precise. At Albedo's place.

It was kind of your tradition to meet up like this and hang out, being busy with doing your own thing, not really talking but just enjoying a quiet company.

You also made it your priority to first go through his flat, each time you came over, and clean up all the forgotten coffee mugs, scare the spiders away and lecture the air-head on why he should maybe water his plants once in a while.

"They're gonna die either way, so what's the point?" he'd say unbothered and you'd slap him in the back of his head.

After that you had all the time in the world and all the books from his library to indulge yourself.

This time was no different and you were now three hours into sitting in the corner of the couch and turning pages.

"Is that my blouse?" Albedo asked suddenly.

You were so caught up in reading, you didn't even realize he was looking at you.

"Yeah" you said as you flipped the page. "Yeah it is."

A warm breath brushed against your neck. You raised your gaze only to find Albedo leaning over you, with one hand put on the back of the couch right next to your head, cornering you.

He was smiling smugly and you felt blood rush to your cheeks.

"Then how come you're wearing it?"

"I was cold" you answered with a disarming honesty. "And it look warm, so I took it. I mean your clothes are really comfy."

Albedo raised an eyebrow, glancing at you.

"Are they now?"

You gave him an apologetic smile.

"Yeah, they are."

Albedo gently slid the book out of your hands and put it on the side.

"I'm happy to hear that" he said, raising a corner of his mouth, crossing his gaze with yours. It was intense and you could almost feel it pinning you down.

"Sorry for taking your blouse, though." You turned your eyes down. "I mean I didn't have anything long-sleeved and I was freezing so..."

"Don't be sorry, y/n." Albedo reached his hand to brush away a strand of your hair. "Of course you can borrow my clothes. You look cute in them, anyway." You blushed even more now. He said that so casually, yet his eyes were darkened with greed. It was a bit unsetteling to see him like that yet somehow, you also enjoyed that look on his face. "But I just hope you don't mind if in exchange I'll borrow you for tonight."

"Depends what you mean by 'borrowing', Albedo." You frowned but right then, your eyes widen in surprise as Albedo leaned closer to you.

He slowly reached his hand to your face to brush his thumb against your lower lip, parting your lips, while keeping his eyes locked with yours.

It was a bizarre realization but in this moment you found his face very pretty and his ocean eyes strangely captivating.

You felt a rush run through you as he pressed his lips to yours, gently at first, as if asking for permission. And how could you say no?

Your hands, grasping the top of his shoulders, were trying to pull him closer and he was gladly giving in. His lips were soft but his will to make you play along and let him take control, was strong.

You put up a fight, of course, and bit his lower lip but somehow, only ended up making Albedo smile and be rougher on you as he kissed you harder. You could feel he was bruising your mouth. You didn't mind that, at all.

In fact, you were disappointed when he eventually stopped and broke the kiss.

You sighed displeased as you pressed your hand to his cheek, making him smile slightly.

"So, what do you say?" he asked, casually again but with an even greedier look in his eyes than before.

You brushed your fingers through his hair as you let it slid down to the back of his neck.

"I don't think I quite grasped what you were saying."

Albedo smiled, leaning closer to you. Only now did you notice that he smelled like coffee and burnt sugar.

"Oh really? Don't worry, I'll gladly explain it to you again."

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