Kazuha (it's y'all's fault)

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i wish u all a very nice 2022, lots of money and tons of fun ruining ur own lifes <333 love u, u r da best :3


Another toast was risen, another bottles of champagne popped and cheers filled the midnight air. The party was charming, if a little gauche. Everyone around was dressed up as if it was at least a ceremony of national rank – but it was just Yae Miko's birthday party. Guests were chosen from amongst the noblest of noble Inazuma's families and the brightest minds of the era – that is: from amongst the writers of Yae Publishing House. The astonishing birthday cake was chosen by Raiden Shogun herself and prepared by the finest confectioner in the whole Teyvat.

You didn't particularly enjoy the amount of poshness and extravagancy you were faced with but you also didn't mind being stuck next to a chocolate fountain.

"Wanna get out of here?" You heard a whisper next to your ear. You needn't have to turn around to know who gave you this tempting proposition but you couldn't help yourself and turned your gaze to look at the man next to you.

Kazuha Kaedehara seemed so dignified with his hair in a high ponytail (oh, how jealous you were of those long, soft, shining hair!), rings on his slander fingers, with a delicate, calm smile on his lips, shades of his long lashes on his cheeks and his bright eyes fixed on you.

"Won't they miss us?" you asked, rising your eyebrow and looking at the crowd of people busy with themselves and free champagne.

"Not as much as I will miss you, if you let me go alone".

You bit your lower lip, trying to stop the stupid smile that started to creep into your face.

"I didn't know you are such a smooth talker" you said, as you hid yourself behind a glass of champagne.

"There are many things you don't know about me" Kazuha took a sip out of his glass as well.

"Such as...?"

"Oh no, no." Kazuha shook his head with laughter. "You won't fool me. My secrets are the thing that makes me interesting. Sorry, but you won't make ".

"Is that a challenge?" you asked teasingly. "Anyway, now all I will be thinking about are those dirty little secrets of yours."

"It's good to know I'll be the only thing on your mind for a while." He smiled, taking a sip out of his glass.

"Just what on Earth could you be hiding?" you sighed frustrated. "Something dreadful I presume – dead bodies in your closet, stolen paintings in your basement, poison in my drink? So many possibilities!"

"Now, I told already – I can't let you find out. It'll ruin the fun." You gave him sad puppy eyes. "But since you are so curious about my sins, why don't you tell me some of yours?"

"Ohohoh, not so fast, my dear sir!" you laughed. "It would only be fair if we exchanged secrets, don't you think?"

"Sharp as always." He shook his head, grabbing two plates with cake from the waiter passing by. "Here" he said, handing you one of his pick-ups.

"Aw, thank you!" you cried with a genuine smile of joy on your face. "Keep it up and I might end up falling for you."

Kazuha pretended not to have heard that and just carried on with the conversation you were having, but you noticed a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Of course, you are right, dear y/n" he continued. "But you see, now we are faced with different issue"

"What kind of issue, Kazuha?" you frowned, cutting a piece of cake. The amount of cream was frightening but it also turned out to be terrifyingly good. Raiden Shogun didn't have that sweet tooth for nothing, after all.

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